Author Topic: The history of SiK  (Read 26873 times)

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The history of SiK
« on: March 30, 2009, 05:08:07 AM »
it all started when we were in a clan formally known as PHS, we were in that clan for a fair while, then the leader, Dan(cockhead) decided to start shit with NikT, so the co-founder Ben(former member) decided to take action and shut the server down, and convinced the rest of us to leave and make our own server, so a couple of months went past and we were not getting any where, so Demon decided he will purchase the server, and we started from there. We decided on a name in the DRuG forums, and planned everything through there, then we finally got a server, and a web page, so, thats pretty much how we got started, im sure there will be more stuff to add, i would have to say that NikT has been the biggest help with this clan, and we will always respect him for his help

From the mutilated burnt carcass of PHS, SiK arose from the ashes to conquer, destroy and decimate any opposing opposition that came in it's way.
This reign of terror has lasted for 10 glorious years.
And will continue to do so for many more.

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Re: The history of SiK
« Reply #1 on: April 02, 2009, 02:37:58 AM »
Here is my bit.

Ok then,

It all started when Me, Grim_Reeper, Full_Metal, Demiveil, Monkeybiz and SpInKsTaR were in PHS(Potholestudios), and the leader of that clan was Dazzajay or [PHS]Dan[AU].

It was going if you call it that, we kept getting abused by this douche, he made these ridiculous rules that were just plain stupid.
For example: I was on the server a LOT, and natuarally to practice the maps I used the !redo fuction tons of times, eventually Dan got sick of me redoing till I would beat HIS time, so he made a script that after a certain amount of redo's(I think it was 3) the map gets disabled for 30 minutes, lol.

So naturally we decided to eventually leave and try and create our own clan(An offical clan, not some vapor shit).

That fat fuck thought that Me, Full and Grim were organizing everything and everyone else was "caught in the excitement".  So naturally that idiot banned us from the website and the server.

Then he deleted all my awesome toptimes and then posted in the ALW Fearedgamers forum calling us a cheat clan with no proof.

The co-leader of PHS at that time, Ben was the one who suggested in leaving PHS and creating our own clan.  He organized everything,  made a temp server on his computer and helped us setup a website. And SpInKsTaR built the website as he was familiar with HTML.

But suddenly the server was shut off, and any attempt to contact Ben was either he wasen't online or "don't worry, I'll get it back up".

This kept going on for about a month.  So I started getting suspicious if he was really intent on being our leader, around this time I saw him with Dan in the PHS server under the [PHS] tag, then I knew he was leading us along just to get us out of the clan, and him and his lover Dan spend time together in the server together.

We started planning our clan on the DRuG forums(big thanks to Nikt for helping us out, and with great ideas too, like our name :P) We spend some months there planning and getting all the details together.  Everyone voted that the originals all share equal leadership.  But they call me the main leader cause I pay for the website, the servers, and any other bills :P(sounds kinda egomanical, lol).

Eventually I built up the great server we have today(with some help), I did most of it cause I had prior experience in maintaining the server, and we had some assistance on the website because we actually had 3 of them, the first 2 kept fucking up.  So I bought a seperate server for the website and had a buddy help me build it.

And then we became SiK :D
Created by 1thwonder

Offline Grim_Reeper

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Re: The history of SiK
« Reply #2 on: April 02, 2009, 04:08:41 AM »
Ye all above is true.

Might I also add we were the near end of PHS, with us gone there weren't many to really call it a clan. :P

Our first name was going to be NATD (Not Afraid To Die) don't know whom thought that up but when NikT suggested SiK I was like  :o
Great thanks go to DRuG and NikT  :D. Without them I doubt I would be posting this very post on this very website.
