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About my trip
« on: November 09, 2010, 12:13:06 AM »
most of you may not know, but my sister found me on facebook, and reconnected me with my mum, so, i went down to visit them, here is the story of how it went

my trip down went well, apart from this pain i was getting from the pressure, i found out it was from me not sleeping before hand, and it had really affected me, but not to badly, usually when it started happening, we were about to land usually within 10mins.

when i finally got to coffs after getting lost in sydney, i walked off the smallest plane ive ever been on, and started walking up to the airport, when i walked in, i had a quick look around and seen my mum, it was the happiest feeling ive ever had.

we left the airport and headed to see my sister alisha, it wasnt long until we were there, which was great, she was waiting outside for me, when she seen me get out of the car, she came straight over to me and hugged me, it still felt surreal, but i was happy, and thats all that mattered, we went into the apartment my sister had, she was just moving in, so it wasnt that flash hot, i got to hold my niece for the first time ever, she was only a few months old, so tiny, but she was beautiful none the less.

we didnt stay there long, and we were off again, but before i left, i gave my sister a present, it was my old baby blanket i had since i was like 1, it was the best thing she could have gotten from me, and i was pleased that it had made her happy.

we left her, and went back to me mums place, it was a really nice place, and the drive there was really beautiful if you like the country, which i do, the house was really nice, it had a nice yard to it, and i had my own room, i got to do whatever i wanted, but i was just happy to be there, and be happy to be out of the full black suit i had worn there.

the first thing we did, was sat down and had lunch, which i was happy to do, as i was fucking hungry
i really liked being with my mum, as i could really be myself around her and i had no reception on my phone, so nobody could get hold of me.

i stayed with my mum for 4 days, then went to see my other sister tamika, that was the worst 3 hour drive ever, but it was well worth it in the end, we met up with tamika while she was at work, she even go to serve us lol, she seemed really shamed by it to from the looks, as she had only just started there a few days before

after tamika finished, mum didnt stay to much longer, then she left, so it was just me, my sister and her boyfried, we went back to her careers house, she got changed, and we took off to go and get ready for that night.
we headed straight for the bottleo lol, got the grog, which was a carton of jacks, then we had to find somewhere to go, after walking around for a while, we finally had a place to go to, one of tamika's friends.

we sat there drinking for a while, then mitch asked me if i smoked the green, and i said yes, so he asked me if i wanted to get any, i agreed to that, so, he went off and bout a 25, that didnt last long between 4 of us, so i decided to get a 50 then afterwards, we sat there drinking and smoking, tamika wasnt drinking, but she was smoking, me and her friend where the ones smoking cones, the other 2 where having joints, it was a good night, around 6-7ish we got hungry, so we took off to hungry jacks, which is where tamika works.

i paid for my sister, her bf and myself, and their friend payed for herself, we had a good feed, and walked back to the house to continue what we were doing, about 2 hours later we took off back to coles to get some chips and shit to snack on.

funny thing about that night i found out the next day after we left, tamika's friend seemed to like me, which i found really funny seeing as she was a complete bitch to me the whole night.

i was ment to be leaving that morning, but the bus didnt come till the next day, so we took tamika home, so she could get changed for work, walked her to work, then us 2 boys took off around town.
mitch showed me just about everywhere, we were walking, it was good, but im not use to the hills or the cold (i had my jumper on the whole time), we ran into some of the local aboriginals, so, we hang out with them, having a few drinks with em, (we still had jd's from the night before), walked around with em, and then when it got around 2ish, we headed back to hj's, we got there in about 10mins, and sat there till 4pm, most boringest but fun thing ive done in a while, all we did was crack jokes at each other and laugh, the management didnt like it very much

fuck em lol

after work, we took tamika back home to get changed, and we were off again, but this time we waited for a bit before we went and bought the grog, tryed to plan where we would go, and when we didnt really have anywhere specific, we went to the skatepark, that was boring, so we took off to one of their friends places

mitch and i had a carton of jim beam, and tamika had 2 4 packs of cruizers, she drank 5 of them and get plastered, so mitch decided we should take her back to her careers, even tho i protested against it, we took her back, her careers went off at me for buying her alcohol, but i couldnt give a fuck, mitch and i took off down the road to the park

we sat there for about half an hour, then we heard a siren, so we took off back to the house, found out tamika had been taken to the hospital, but we were not told what for, so, we took off there as well, found out when we got there it wasnt anything serious, we left and took off around the city again, long story short, we ended up sleeping in the hungry jacks playground, and left there at 5am and headed back to tamika, who let us in her room, we woke up at 8, and i had to leave, as i was getting the bus back to mum, 5 hours later, i was back there, stayed with my mum for a night, and then went to mouldy's place, had a good time there, got dropped off at the airport and came home

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Re: About my trip
« Reply #1 on: November 09, 2010, 04:55:52 PM »
So you are the one who is responsible for Tamika getting drunk  :D

I see that the trip was exhausting as hell but I'm glad you had a lot of fun.

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Re: About my trip
« Reply #2 on: November 09, 2010, 08:06:06 PM »
yes, it was me who got her drunk

it was one hell of a trip, but was worth it

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Re: About my trip
« Reply #3 on: November 10, 2010, 01:07:33 AM »
Sounds like a blast man,  glad to see good things happen to you.
Created by 1thwonder

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Re: About my trip
« Reply #4 on: November 10, 2010, 11:00:07 AM »
cheers demon

From the mutilated burnt carcass of PHS, SiK arose from the ashes to conquer, destroy and decimate any opposing opposition that came in it's way.
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