1. Real name: Batuhan
2. Gaming name:
22/twentytwo old nickname was
Neo3. Games you play: F1 / MTA and any other game.
4. Previous or current clans (and reasons why you left them): Plenty of them;
WGS - Closed
MAG - Kind of closed
SiK - SiK was choosing custom GP maps on clanwars, It didn't suit me, I couldn't get a chance to play in clanwars so I decided to go somewhere I can
FC - Decided to return NKC while on trial
NKC - Left to create my own clan
HE - Failed
5. Country of residence: Turkey
6. Age: 21
7. Computer specifications (CPU, GPU, RAM): i7 8700, GTX 1080, 2x8GB 2400Mhz
8. Why will you be a good addition to SiK?: Yes I guess. I think I can be helpful to SiK in clanwars.
9. Video of you racing on our server: There are 2 videos on my previous application and you can check these, they are not on sik server but I don't think that does matter at all. If you need one from your server especially, just let me know I can record one.
10. PM your serial number to an Administrator: I've sent it to Megas via Discord.
11. Anything else you think is relevant: Most of you know me I don't think there is something to add.
12. Did you read the rules and fully understand them?: Yup.
13. Paste the answer from the question:
[PHS] PotholeStudios14. Skype (Discord, Facebook, IRC):
Discord : batu#4264 or you can easily reach me from MTA Racing Discord.
15. Server account name: "