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Messages - HarisGT

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Denied Or Left Applications / Re: Haris# Application
« on: October 11, 2015, 07:43:54 AM »
ehehe :) i know it Nolza
but i had give the explaination about that, the reason is i still had pressure about gettin recorded, and also about that gave up instanly , its my habit. after i fail, i spectate others front of me , to learn it how to do it. ok if its like bad things to do, i will changed that. thanks for the advice.

and i have reason why i got fail at Flood Race, becasue im out of my comfort zone. Actually it is my fault at Flood Race my messin up the record. i will try to changed it into better, so thank you for those Advice.

Denied Or Left Applications / Re: Haris# Application
« on: October 11, 2015, 05:50:11 AM »
*sorry for bumpin*

Ok i know what you're tryin to say Blacky. Tbh its true that i need to workin hard to known some map and tryin to get a better time or skills on there, but it just 1 or 2 example of my map. there's many map that i want to recorded it with, but Honestly, it makes pressure on me. This is what i wanted to removed from now on, by practicin everyday, tryin to enjoyed the game, avoid the pressure, and i should mentioned this "No Doubt Every Single Race That i Faced". Thats what i wanted to achieved by playin everyday on SiK Server.

Denied Or Left Applications / Re: Haris# Application
« on: October 11, 2015, 05:37:15 AM »
ok, first of all i wanna say thanks for all who accept me, givin me some advice, suggestion, criticsm, and many more which can build me up.

First of all thank you for this application.

I’ve seen racing you several times. Sometimes you were very fast, but mostly I saw you making a lot of mistakes, which means you don’t have enough skills to enter SiK right now.

For now Neutral.

From your opinion about me sexmaniac, thats true. Because i still need to adapted and should be focusing played Race again since i left it many years and months, but there's a change for me to prove you all how's my progress while playin in SiK server and possibility it could be better. example, when i started play racing again, OK.... i had struggle by it. but 1 weeks later, probably i got adapted to it by gettin better time and found my racing style, but yeah of course it still had a mistakes. and many progress will be continue since i played in SiK server.

Denied Or Left Applications / Re: Haris# Application
« on: October 10, 2015, 04:56:13 PM »
It's a no from me. Keep improving your skills.

i know u would gonna said this after saw my video
but maybe im gonna using this one (this is my first video, scared to upload it due to low fps)
& (idk if this helpful)
*im not asked to changed your mind, just sharing it.

Denied Or Left Applications / Haris# Application
« on: October 10, 2015, 10:27:40 AM »
Hello all SiK Member and Recruiters!
This is the time for me to brace myself to made Jr into this biggest community

1 - Real Name: My Name is Haris Syafiq, 17 years old

2 - Gaming name: Haris# (my previous name is Haris_Syafiq)

3 - Games you play: MTA the only one i play from now on

4 - Previous or current clans:
=FoX= : Left because i didnt feel uncomfortable and also wanted to play DM
[LcP*] : Left because my own decision , im also had discussion to Smol about this, why i left and then he accept it.
.:DoA:. and |EP| : Left because its closed with inactive clan reason

5 - Country of residence: i live in Southeast Asian, Indonesia country. so i should be thankful for Demonseed to put server location in NYC, its really reducing my ping.

6 - Age:
1 months later i'll be grown up from 16 years old into 17 (great, now i can go hanging around with my mazda)

7 - Computer Specs: (CPU, Memory, video card)
Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i3 CPU         540  @ 3.07GHz (4 CPUs), ~3.1GHz
Memory: 2048MB RAM
Card name: NVIDIA GeForce GT 220
Operating System: Windows 7 Ultimate 32-bit (6.1, Build 7600) (7600.win7_rtm.090713-1255)

8 - Why will you be a good addition to SiK?
Since 2 years i had been waiting this momment. At first when i started to play in MTA, just in few days when i played on GTA Ru. i had been fall in love with this clan. After i seekin the achievement of SiK, then i started to focusin my mind to playin Race and Race to practicing, learning, knowing the moves. BUT at the end of 2013 or started 2014, i moved my gameplay mode into DM with reason want to find some fun (what an idiot decision by me at that time)
So, as i said in my last introduction, i started to changed my behave after got banned 30 days from GTA Ru. racing server by zorron at 2013 which makes me shocked, thats the reason i should recognized myself. 2014 and 2015 i spent all my days , weeks , months for learning and knowing what to do to respect others. and finally, here i am. To be honest, I Swear this is my last clan and my last journey to finding a clan because this is what i wanted since 2 years. At first im still didnt have courage to made Jr, but then i tried to. i should brace myself to faced the comments or criticsm from SiK members and should take it. All criticsm, either is good or bad, i will take it as lesson in the future.

9 - Video of you racing on our server:

thank you so much to Supernova (sorry 1 huge mistakes on video)

10 - PM your serial to the Admins  : now on i will sent it to Admins.

11 - Anything else you can think of that will be relevant :
i just wanna say, thank you for all who want helping me, suggestin me, and giving me a tips about joinin this clan. The reason why i joined in this clan Not for Tag, but i need a community with have many friends who can share happiness, sadness, argue-ing each other, and many more. Im just feelin Fun when im playin with SiK Members, it comes naturally, even they're all some of starting to get old, but they still have a young-life, it was fantastic. just one thing i want to say, if i get accept and few months later i leave SiK, u can Blacklisted me from SiK.
thank you
regards, Haris#

Introductions / Re: NOLZA ~
« on: October 06, 2015, 10:20:54 AM »
Hi Guys ~


Damn dude, so u're SKYDRAGON. remember our old group(Not clan) -[GT]- in 2014 huh? :p
anyways great to see you on SiK ;) hope u still remember me gurl

Accepted Applications / Re: EimanTas to SiK!
« on: October 03, 2015, 01:38:55 AM »
i have seen u many times with impressive Skills
goodluck eimantas! (i always though it will be Elmantas)

Introductions / Re: FALTy. wishes you Merry Christmas
« on: September 27, 2015, 11:07:41 PM »
ah okey demonseed thanks for that information, anyways do u know what his skype is, Sir?

Introductions / Re: FALTy. wishes you Merry Christmas
« on: September 27, 2015, 11:57:37 AM »
eh ya sorry, but i have seen him some weeks later using SiK tag, when did he left ? sorry for lately information

Announcements / Re: New Main Admins And Global Moderators
« on: September 27, 2015, 11:40:30 AM »
ah, as my predicted before that Winter-Blacky can become Main Admins, Congratulation to you both!

and well i dont forget to give attention to global moderator
congralulation for been choosen as that, especially to you Juanka, Giu, and 1thwonder ;)

Introductions / Re: FALTy. wishes you Merry Christmas
« on: September 27, 2015, 11:20:55 AM »
heey Falty, well yesterday its our short met but i think that's the start to build a friendship bro, anyways nice to see you back to SiK. i've seen many old tt in DM with your nick

Introductions / HarisGT
« on: September 27, 2015, 11:02:32 AM »
Greetings, both SiK Members and Recruiters
maybe some of u may known me as a childish in the past since i created my lastest own biography, so i want to clean all my childish past in this forrum, hopefully u wanted to forgive me for the last

ok , lets get straight
my name is haris syafiq. Yes, i live in indonesian and now on im playing with clanless stats . i spend 1 years for leavin race to focusing about DM. and yet, im gettin adapted either in behave or attitude on every server. im undestand how should we respect other and how it doesnt have to.

well 2 years passed, im 17 years olds now and usually i spent my weekend by driving around region with my girlfriend or with my friends with my Mazda. 1 year spent in DM will decrease my racin skill. Yet, it proof since im rollin with other old racin member such as wintersun, burn, falty,1thwonder, and many SiK gangmember that i've been met so far this half years. well having a lifetime playin in DM / in ffs server totally changed my behave into 90% (as i said before)

2 years playin and i have been in 3 main clan and 1 time comeback to LcP (leave it because im still confused between choosing race or DM), its really hard decision for me to leave it because many things should be considered.
why i left 3 other main clan on 2 years playin on DM? the answer is simple too, its because closed. i passed my day to be trial on that clan and suddenly, it closed. same happends to other clans. so aint did leaving or gettin kicked, it just all about closed due to inactivity clan.

now? what did i choose? simple, im trying now to focusing on Race and dont too much playin on DM , people got more skill or learn skill from racing, and DM is all about survive with our skill (my suggest)

thanks for reading this, hopefully all mistakes from past clearly gone from now on (and if i missed some information, be sorry for that)


Multi Theft Auto Discussion / Re: DD Team
« on: April 16, 2014, 12:04:53 AM »
Btw, sorry i cant finish the step because i know i cant active enought for Exams, Sexmaniac, forgive me for my bad behaviour :|

Multi Theft Auto Discussion / Re: DD Team
« on: April 15, 2014, 03:52:32 AM »
if u all suggest like that , I would like to try join SiKr after im do National Exams (3 weeks ago)
i cant finish the Steps to be SiKr because Exams

agree to DM/DD/race

Member Biographies / Re: Haris Syafia Biography (edited)
« on: January 25, 2014, 06:33:07 AM »
sorry some word was not correctly in grammar

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