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Interview TD mystic
« on: October 01, 2013, 01:21:37 PM »

Some say he is the person who came with the crazy idea for a SiK to interview a SKC, and that it is a mystery every time he wins without cheating. Others say he just uhm well its kinda hard if you don?t know someone so let?s  just leave it like this. All we know  is he is called TD Mystic.

So I saw at your Facebook page you are studying computer informatics. What?s the primary thing you do there? And what job would you like to get after your study?

The primary thing I do at university is being a lazy ass all day instead of going to my classes as a good student should do. Most of my study is about complex algorithms and mathematics, I've also got some programming courses, but not too many. When I graduate, I'll have a diploma of Civil Engineer in Computer Science.

I don't really know what job I want to do yet, but I do know I don't want to sit behind a desk by myself all day. Something that might be interesting as a job is being a 'bridge' in a big enterprise between the programmers (lots of technical knowledge, zero social skills) and the salespeople. (good social skills, but virtually no real technical knowledge)

Sounds really interesting, although looks to me it?s hard to be the so called bridge! Hmm isn?t that by the way what every student does lol.

The reason for these interviews is to learn about the person behind the racer. So can you tell us some basic information about yourself, for example where do you live what is your real name stuff like that. (work/hobby?s/sports?)

No problem! My real name is Tom, which I'm sure some of you already know. I live in Belgium, I'm 20 years old and just beginning my 3rd year at uni. I live together with my brother ([SKC]Whiskey) in an appartment. MTA used to be a hobby for me, but not anymore. Sports: I play Badminton at a semi-professional level, which isn't saying very much since the sport isn't that popular in Belgium. I cycle a lot and I try to go running from time to time, although running is a lot easier in summer than during the winter. I also have 2 student jobs. One as a waiter in a restaurant and the other as a programmer at the IT department of my university.

Ah sounds really nice! Well its something different then all others have as hobby :P But fulltime on study and work keep it up man hard work pays off

If you were on an uninhabited island what would you pick to take with you?

I think I'd like to take a full size cruise ship with working staff with me. That should come in handy.

Haha mr smartpants

Long time since I asked this question: Do you have a girlfriend or can the cute girls get in line for a ticket which leads them to a date with you?

At the moment I don't have a girlfriend. Sometimes that can be a bit frustrating, but when I hear some of my friends complaining what kind of bullshit they go through with their girlfriends, I don't envy them. I do have a lot of girlfriends (mind the space) to cheer me up if I'm ever feeling sad or need a hug, so no real problems there. I'm pretty sure I'll meet someone in the next years.

ye will happen soon I think!

What is your favorite car? And why

Cars don't really interest me that much. If I'd have to pick one, I'd go for the 1968 Ford Mustang Shelby GT500 simply because I think it looks cool.

Hmm okay! Sounds like a very good choice

If you needed to go to a country far away and you could only listen 1 type of music during the trip. What would it be?

Pop music from the eighties. Ever since playing GTA Vice City 10 years ago. I've always liked music from the 80s. It?s just so diverse and free. All the new fake music like justin bieber and miley cyrus makes me want to throw up.

AAAH don?t say the J and M words dude..

Ok enough fun talk, let?s talk business now I mean fun can?t last forever right. So ofc I mean talking about SKC. When did you become a SKC? And what was your most epic moment in SKC?

I became an SKC a month or 2 after it started. So i joined either in december 2006 or january 2007. It's been too long to remember the exact date. Geez, I have to pick just one moment? There are just too freaking much of them. One of the most fun moments anyway was about half a year after we started. That makes it april 2007-ish. The server, the community and the clan were really getting started. Humantraffic, MSD and Wurstfinger were creating new awesome maps on a daily basis. (Most of those are now referred to as 'classics') I remember playing Crash N Boom one evening on the SKC server with a full server, 32 people. All the SKC members went kamikazing with stuntplanes. The timer on the map ran out because nobody was able to finish. I remember spending 3 hours an evening playing MTA and constantly dieing of laughter with all the stuff we were doing and the weird conversations we were having.
I still believe to this day that that is how MTA should be played instead of the serious racing as it is now.
PS: Beating SiK for the first time in the Fox Christmas Tournament was also pretty nice I guess. Hehe.

Hehe I remember those kind of nights on my cousin his server aswell. Yea that is really more fun sometimes then just the hardcore racing! Hehe I can understand that must have been pretty nice, I felt the same way when we kicked your asses :P

You have witnessed a couple or maybe just one tournament with SKC, but what is your favourite- or what do you think will be your favourite tournament and could you explain why? (summercup, national cup, mta league, sik tournament, etc)

My favourite tournament would probably be the Christmas Tournament, because it's one of the shortest and it was the first. I think there are too much tournaments at the moment, a lot of good racers are getting demotivated because they have to practice too much.

I agree with you on that. The tournaments are fun but it also has it down sides!

Your nick I am still like dafuq is this shit, so different said could you explain why you picked this nick?

First of all, I know it's a ridiculous nickname. I created it when I was 13 and been stuck with it ever since. TD are my initials (obviously). TD also refers to my nickname before this one. 'Total_Disaster'. 'Mystic' refers to the fact that even though we all know each other online, we don't know the person behind the nickname. We're all anonymous, mysterious, mystic in a way on the internet. I thought that was pretty deep for a 13-year old.

I think its steel deep haha. But that explains a freaking lot!

So let?s say its 30-9-2023 today, would you still play mta and be in SKC? Or are you too busy with your personal life?

I probably won't be playing MTA in 2023, since I rarely play it anymore in 2013. Perhaps we'll all be playing GTA5 multiplayer by then? I'm currently playing through the storyline of GTA V on the Xbox and I can say the game is super awesome. I don't know if SKC will survive another 10 years. I hope it does though. If SKC will still be around in 2023, I will probably still be a part of it since I'll never leave it. Though I'm sure I won't be doing anything important anytime soon, since, as you said, my real life doesn't allow much room for gaming at the moment.

Yea I think we all switched to a newer version of gta at that moment =P I hope the big clans now still do survive in what game or way. Because it?s just to fun

What do you still hope to achieve in SKC?

I don't really hope to achieve anything anymore since I think we've already achieved everything we can achieve. We've won pretty much everything there is to win and we even did a real life meeting once, which was awesome. It's been an amazing 7 years and I'm just thankful for every day that it continues. Perhaps I still have one goal though. Achieving full peace between SiK and SKC without any trouble or controversy. Though I doubt that'll ever happen.

My last question is always the part where the interviewer is lazy and just asks if you still have anything to share with SKC or SiK perhaps? (im posting it also on SKC site)

Never be serious while gaming, but always be respectful of your fellow gamers. As long as you're having fun while playing MTA, don't worry about the little things. TD out!

But on those closing words i want to end this interview and thank you TD for making the first sik interview with a non sik member a fact. I also want to thank you for your long and fun answers. And ofcourse for your time!

CYA next time weet-niks out!
« Last Edit: March 24, 2016, 11:35:32 AM by 1thwonder »

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Re: SKC TD mystic
« Reply #1 on: October 01, 2013, 01:34:33 PM »
I created FuZ too when i was 13 :D

Cool interview , i hope in the peace between the clans too :D


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Re: SKC TD mystic
« Reply #2 on: October 01, 2013, 04:25:31 PM »
Nice interwiev TD. Best of luck with your studies hope you will get your goal.  ;)

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Re: SKC TD mystic
« Reply #3 on: October 02, 2013, 03:23:15 AM »
Good interview, enjoyed reading.

I share your hopes for the SiK - SKC relations. Good luck with your studies.

Many of us will have to reduce the MTA consum a bit, cuz of school or studies. But I'm sure most of us come back...when not to MTA then probably to GTA V online for PC :P As we have living proofs that playing in older ages is also fun (Sexmaniac, MSD, Wurstfinger...). What about SiK and SKC together beat new upcoming clans in GTA V up? :D

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Re: SKC TD mystic
« Reply #4 on: October 02, 2013, 04:41:06 AM »
Nice Interview guys.

Offline Giuvannaru91

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Re: SKC TD mystic
« Reply #5 on: October 02, 2013, 07:54:11 AM »
good interview :)

good luck for study  ;)

Turtle fast :D
Ty sex :)

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Re: SKC TD mystic
« Reply #6 on: November 18, 2013, 09:29:50 PM »
Had a pleasure to read all the interview. TD really does have a nice history in the MTA scene.
And that curiosity about the nick? Lol, i didn't know it was all around by his true name, as mine.

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Re: SKC TD mystic
« Reply #7 on: November 19, 2013, 09:41:40 AM »
Had a pleasure to read all the interview. TD really does have a nice history in the MTA scene.
And that curiosity about the nick? Lol, i didn't know it was all around by his true name, as mine.
You should do an interview too. I'd like reading your tale. ;-)

Offline weet-niks

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Re: SKC TD mystic
« Reply #8 on: November 19, 2013, 10:47:21 AM »
Yea i should restart it soon again...

Lately just really to busy and when i do have time i prefer to play on server or some battlefield 4

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Re: SKC TD mystic
« Reply #9 on: November 19, 2013, 04:52:41 PM »
I didn't know your name was Tom. Best of luck in University!

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Re: SKC TD mystic
« Reply #10 on: November 23, 2013, 01:32:40 AM »
Had a pleasure to read all the interview. TD really does have a nice history in the MTA scene.
And that curiosity about the nick? Lol, i didn't know it was all around by his true name, as mine.
You should do an interview too. I'd like reading your tale. ;-)

It's not a bad idea. I'm waiting for an invite :p