Author Topic: 7 Deadly Sins  (Read 1443 times)

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7 Deadly Sins
« on: August 25, 2009, 07:29:36 AM »
The 7 Deadly Sins

Greed is to covet, to search and find meaning through materialistic gain. Greed leads ambition, challenges the body, the soul and the mind. Greed is a will that drives us to try, and without it we achieve a humble failure.

Envy makes us hate, makes us love and makes us weep. Envy gives meaning to purpose, to achieve beyond conventions and rise for the better of the self against our neighbors. Envy is the teacher to satisfying our wants.

Gluttony is indulgence. Indulgence is fulfillment. Fulfillment is ecstasy. Ecstasy is bliss. Bliss is enlightenment. Enlightenment is heaven. Heaven is orgasmic. Through gluttony one finds the fulfillment of our flesh and the freedom of choice. It is the sense of completeness.

Pride betters us beyond others, to rise above the common threshold towards something grander. Pride is the need of perfection, a need brandished like a blade, cutting across the hurdles of our own inhibitions. Pride is the mirror that shows us we are beautiful.

Wrath is the strength to deny, defy, destroy, decimate, devour, desecrate, devastate, and dominate all who would dare rise before the everlasting and powerful self. The self is the fuel to the wrath and the wrath is the fire that makes us victors.

Sloth is acceptance of one chance, the slow trickle of a brook and the soft whisper of a lover. Sloth is the frozen pause in time, to reflect the wonders of our world, to count the seconds, the minutes and the hours. Count and smile, for this time is yours.

Lust causes all of the above, for without it, we are without passion. Lust is the red heat of desire that stirs the blood and brings to life our potential for love, sex and wellness. Without lust, the mundane rules upon cold embers, sitting within a frigid throne. Lust is the need we feed on.

Embrace them all, as one or alone, for through sin we revert to the carnal self, the inextinguishable unity that proclaims our existence as the shape of humanity, a beast as nature intended. Live the seven sins for each is the instinct once denied us but now rejoiced. Sins are what we are made of. Sinners are who we are.
« Last Edit: March 24, 2016, 08:28:21 AM by 1thwonder »

From the mutilated burnt carcass of PHS, SiK arose from the ashes to conquer, destroy and decimate any opposing opposition that came in it's way.
This reign of terror has lasted for 10 glorious years.
And will continue to do so for many more.

