Author Topic: Biography: Malber0  (Read 3319 times)

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Offline Malber0^

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Biography: Malber0
« on: April 15, 2015, 03:17:05 AM »
Hey anyone,i saw that many players wrote here they're biography,and i wanted to write my,hope you'll enjoy reading .

Real Life .

My name is ohad,im 16.5 years old,soon 17 :)
was born at 25.8.1998.
I Live only with my mother and my dog :P
When I was still in my mother's stomach as a baby
My father wanted my mother to have an abortion and then i needed to die :P
but my mother didnt agreed for his "advice",he being mad,and he left us ..
I Live 16.5 years with my mother,she's the whole world for me (espically when you dont have a father to talk with )
And i meet my grandmother 4-5 times a week,because she lives 1 street near my street .
Im 1.90 meters tall,and my weight its about 100 kg (im not look so fat because of my height).

My first girl friend was about 3 years ago,we was about 5 month toghter,i loved her so much,but she leaves to another country,and out relationship is over .

Actaully i love the life,in most of the cases i refer what peoples think about me,and i take it to my attention,but if i hear constructive criticism from another peoples,I'll do anything to prove my behavior or anything else that i think i need to .

Gaming Life .

GTA:SA - I Started to play GTA at 2011,and i played a SA:MP with my friends,and most of the time when i was in SAMP i liked to drive,we made a races and all .
MTA:SA - I Started to play mta very little bit because my friend SweatyVaj motivated me to play and he said that is very good game (it was the time when he played in FFS and ),i started to play like 1-2 weeks at,i improved my skills for a little bit than i left mta because all of my friends started to play CS:GO so i started to play with them too .

I Back to play MTA in january 2014,that was the time that i tried to join DoN,but my skills was bad at the time because of my separation from mta,so i havent accepted.

So actually im play REALLY mta from january 2014,about one an half year,i know that my skills maybe arent the best at the time,but i think i proved a lot from january 2014 (Many thanks to sweatyvaj that motivated me to) .

Well this is my biography,hope you'll enjoy to read it :)
Thanks anyone,and have continue great day .

P.S - Im sorry about my not 100% english grammer .
« Last Edit: March 24, 2016, 11:41:23 AM by 1thwonder »

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Re: Malber0^ Biography :)
« Reply #1 on: April 15, 2015, 11:02:18 AM »
Man, this is some serious Bio. I'm a father of 2 kids myself and it's hard to understand people wants an abortion, except perhaps if someone is very very young.
I'm glad your mother didn't do it, and i'm sure she tooks a good decision. Not having a father in this case is not a big loss I think.

Anyway, thx for sharing all the info with us, and have a nice time here and on our server.

Offline Juanka

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Re: Malber0^ Biography :)
« Reply #2 on: April 15, 2015, 11:20:04 AM »
Well I know what's live with only one parent, I understand you.
Thanks to share a bit of yourself, welcome to our comunity.

Offline PauerfC_Cl

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Re: Malber0^ Biography :)
« Reply #3 on: April 15, 2015, 04:37:09 PM »
Hey Malber0^! First of all, welcome to the community!

I think your bio is very interesting and it contains some very hard stuff..
It's great you have such a good bond with your mom, keep the people you love close to you!

Also, you are one of the first people that write understandable English, while they're not using the correct grammar! :P :P

Thanks Sex! :)

Offline DiegohaN

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Re: Malber0^ Biography :)
« Reply #4 on: April 15, 2015, 05:08:54 PM »
Hey malbero ⊂(ο・㉨・ο)⊃ , Thanks for share about  you, nice bio men, a bit sad but nice! ;) good luck :)


Offline SweatyVaj

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Re: Malber0^ Biography :)
« Reply #5 on: April 15, 2015, 06:05:03 PM »
I'm glad to hear your skills in my right , anything you need I'm here always improves you know :)
btw nice bio ;D

