Your speed is unquestionable but racing abilities are not everything. You're pretty much lacking loyalty and it seems sincerity as well.
Based on your previous application, you either forgot to mention or intentionally left out a couple more clans you were a member of and that might not have been a coincidence.'d suggest that you read this post again including all the comments as well. As you can see, despite my initial doubts, I gave you Yes twice and I was quite supportive of you, then shortly afterwards you went on to betray us again (remember this was your second stint with the clan) to go somewhere else for whatever reason.
It's also interesting to compare the two applications because your current one is shorter and clearly lacking the motivation why you'd like to return to SiK after all (in point 11 that you left blank). For me it shows a weak attempt at giving this another try and it doesn't seem like you've provided maximum effort to join us again.
I often say that everyone deserves a second chance but this would be your third chance and so far I don't think you've earned it.
All in all, I regard your application as a potential risk for the team and since I'd wish to protect SiK from hazards, I have to vote NO!