Author Topic: MTA:SA Players League - Stage 6 (Epic Final)  (Read 1063 times)

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MTA:SA Players League - Stage 6 (Epic Final)
« on: May 21, 2014, 07:23:48 PM »
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Fist of all, I have to apologize for last week, when Stage 4 was planned to start at 21:00 CET, but by my fault started at 21:45 CET. But it is one of the reasons, why this is called “Season 0″ as a test season. Anyway, due to my time, final stage (Stage 6) is planned for Wednesday 28.5.2014 at 21:00 CET! This final map is not a secret map, because it is one big map from Stage 1 to Stage 5. And because it is not a secret, you can train it anytime on MTA:SA League server (use /votemap _stage6). There will be also difference in the duration of the finishing time, this time will be 10 minutes, so you can finish 10 minutes later than the first one. This map has 617 CPs and takes around 35 minutes to finish.

Do not forget, that you will be rewarded with 2x more points than from other stages. Players with more then 30 points (who can still theoretically win) get privilegium for being on server. Players with less points could be kicked for making place for privileged players. Be carefull, you lose this priviledgium at 20:55 CET.

