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Messages - Vladu

Pages: [1]
Denied Or Left Applications / Clan Application Vladu
« on: January 10, 2015, 11:59:54 AM »
1 - Real Name: (Ex - Tobias) Vlad

2 - Gaming name: (Ex - DemonSeed) Vladu

3 - Games you play: (Ex - MTA) A lot of games:MTA,SAMP,Borderlands 2 the list goes on :D

4 - Previous or current clans : (Ex - Previous - PHS, Current - SiK, and tell us why you leave / or want to leave your previous / current clan) No previous or current clans

5 - Country of residence: (Ex - United States) Romania

6 - Age: (Ex - 28) 12,I know i am young but i don't think it really matters,what matters it's how you race.
7 - Computer Specs (CPU, Memory, video card): Processor:     Intel(R)Core(TM) i3-2100 CPU @ 3.10 GHz  3.10 GHz Memory:4.00 GB RAM   System Type:64-bit Operating System

8 - Think you would make a good admin? Tell us why? (Ex - I think I would make a good admin because i have prior experience in 2 other clans, and I don't make dumb decisions.): I think i will be a good admin because:
1.I am very polite
2.I always listen to admins with higher ranks then me or even below my rank
3.I will help the servers alot

9 - Video of you racing on our server:I don't know how to post a video on Youtube,you can see me racing on the server

10 - Anything else you can think of that will be relevant:Nothing.

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