Author Topic: Poem: Back stabbed  (Read 1404 times)

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Poem: Back stabbed
« on: August 21, 2009, 11:13:31 AM »
This feeling which I hate
Which I never thought would happen again
Has come back to haunt me

You think you can trust someone
They stab you in the back
By going out of there way to make you upset
Trying to steal someone away from you

You trusted them
You have known them for so long
Then they do this to you
What should I do?

You hold your tongue
Not saying a word
She asked you not to say

Back stabbed by someone you trusted
Someone who you have known for a long time
The hate building inside of you
What should I do?

The pain is getting unbearable
I have been through this before
Will I lose someone close again?

What is going to happen between us now?
What will we do?
This is tearing me apart

What should I do?
I don’t wish to hurt him
As I will just be hurting myself later on

The problem I never thought I would be in again

« Last Edit: March 27, 2016, 08:03:23 AM by 1thwonder »

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