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Messages - Demiveil

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Denied Or Left Applications / Re: Gaara for SiK?
« on: December 26, 2010, 07:16:14 PM »
Well I fully understand your perspective there, certainly empty servers are never fun to play in, and when there are other servers that have players it seems foolish to join it.
On the other hand though hopefully you understand our perspective too, it has been quite time since your application and I am yet to see you in the server, much less see how you are as a racer or as a potential administrator.
Tis a bit of an awkward position really, we need more members so that our server can be more populated and better administrated, and we need the server to be more populated in order to attract these new members.
Still I don't blame ya, but for now we have no real option but to say no, or at best perhaps just suspend our decision.

Denied Or Left Applications / Re: Gaara for SiK?
« on: December 23, 2010, 11:34:05 PM »
He has been in the server, but only very briefly, and definitely not deserving of SiKr.

Multi Theft Auto Discussion / Re: An update.
« on: December 22, 2010, 05:09:26 PM »
Oh nah its a very simple script....just it could be even simpler than it is.
But sure, I'll put it on soon.

Multi Theft Auto Discussion / Re: An update.
« on: December 22, 2010, 04:23:45 PM »
Fair enough :)
Wherebouts did you get this script?
Its kinda oddly written, though it would work at least.

Member Biographies / Biography: Demiveil
« on: December 17, 2010, 03:06:44 AM »
Right well in the process of rearranging the forums I accidentally deleted this section so thought I would kick it off once again.

Hello all.
My real name is Byron and I am 19 years of age living in the beautiful country of New Zealand.
I recently completed my 2nd year of university studying towards a degree (and then hopefully a masters) in Computer Science with the ultimate goal of becoming a Software Engineer.
Additionally I have a multitude of sporting interests, I enjoy playing football, both of the traditional and American varieties (although only unofficially with mates for the American variation.) I play Badminton at national levels, and recently started learning how to kitesurf, something I intend to continue. I also know how to play the Tenor Saxaphone, although dropped it when I started uni, and intend to begin again once I have a steady income and more free time.
As an original member of SiK I have been here since its inception, I consider myself a dedicated member and with my developing abilities in programming I am responsible for creating or maintaining the scripts running on our server.

Thats a little about myself.
Whose next....


Thought I would update this bad boy as a few things have changed!

I'm currently 20 and have just completed my 3rd and final year at university, obtaining a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science.
Just prior to completing my degree I was offered a position at a company called Telogis where I currently work as a Graduate Software Engineer.
Over the course of the next year or so one of my main objectives is to learn to skydive and become certified and very much look forward to doing this.

I would love to hear the stories of others by the way, there's a lot of new faces in SiK that I would like to get to know!

Multi Theft Auto Discussion / Re: An update.
« on: December 17, 2010, 02:48:39 AM »
Ok well that is done.
Points now show up in the scoreboard.

Additionally I've changed the ghost setter once again. I realised there was an issue wherein if one person was driving in front of another, once they got 5 units ahead they would turn ghost mode off, but actually on the other peoples client they may be actually within so contact occurs, which can get frustrating.

I've now changed it so that after the 15 seconds. For each person, anyone over 5 units away from them become possible to collide with, those within 5 units are not until they pass out of that radius. Anyone it is possible to collide with will be solid, everyone still ghosted will be transparent.
This entirely client side approach removes any difficulties that arise due to latency.

Multi Theft Auto Discussion / Re: An update.
« on: December 15, 2010, 12:27:07 AM »
Yup will definitely be doing that. Is a fairly important feature really.

SiK Applications / Re: Guide To Joining
« on: December 12, 2010, 12:19:41 AM »

(Made change to required video)

Denied Or Left Applications / Re: Is a good idea,is isnt?
« on: December 11, 2010, 05:34:26 PM »
Haha I always find it entertaining to look back at some of my older posts, kinda nice to see how I've changed.

Multi Theft Auto Discussion / Re: Map conversion fixes
« on: December 07, 2010, 02:22:21 AM »
A generous offer there thanks.
Certainly sorting our extensive and somewhat unorganised collection of maps is certainly on the agenda so I may well get back to you on that one  :D

Multi Theft Auto Discussion / Re: An update.
« on: November 30, 2010, 05:38:18 AM »
Ok, well I've been very busy with other things these days. Been painting a roof to put the property on the market and I've also recently taken on Kitesurfing to the list of sports I participate in. Nonetheless I have done some work on the server, and come up with some ideas for what more work I could do.

First of all, I've now added a little script that works with the scoringsystem to output the points players earn at the end of each race. The winners points are output to everyone and are shown in gold, the points of he in second output to everyone in silver and obviously the points of he in 3rd output to everyone in bronze, after that the earned points are output only to the person whom earned them.
I've also added a little script that makes everyones vehicles the sik colours of black and white with green headlights, I kinda feel this makes the server look a little more professional :)

As for things I want to do....well I want to write my own gui for the stats which shows only the stats we are actually interested in, make it look a little more customised instead of the generic one currently used.
Also I was thinking, in terms of the points, obviously using the points per beaten opponents points stat, whilst most fair, can result in a snowball effect and so we would need to reset the stats frequently and declare some form of "winner" (Else points are more or less pointless ;) ). What I was thinking is that seeing as the old tactic of monthly championships is currently very successfully employed by the folks over at SKC perhaps we could go a slightly different route and instead make it a race. 1st to say 3000 points wins. This way the points will never get out of hand and hopefully friendly competition will result. Also because its a more definitive specification of when a championship is complete I could also build this into the script, making some sort of fancy notification when the event occurs and immediately starting a new round, clearing the stats etc.
Also to coincide with this I could easily build in an autoupdating list of previous winners that can be displayed on the server, and I think we could think up other little incentives to win.

And finally, something I've been thinking about whilst mindlessly painting the roof.
A challenge system. Wherein at the start of each map (or perhaps every 5th map or something) the server will offer each player a randomly assigned challenge which the player can choose to accept and undertake. If the player is successful in completing the challenge they are rewarded with some form of points bonus.
These challenges will range in difficulty greatly and could be things like be in first position at checkpoint 1, or complete the race without dying etc etc.
The process of accepting a challenge includes paying an acceptance fee, with money earned from winning races (and hopefully eventually from a betting script).
More difficult challenges result in higher points rewards, but are also more expensive to accept, so it becomes a tradeoff between accepting easy challenges frequently or saving up for that real tricky one in the hope that you'll succeed and win big. The challenges will be offered randomly, so occassionally someone might get lucky and be offered a challenge on an easy map. (I'm yet to decided whether or not I should let the player know what map they will race before they are offered the challenge.)

But yes, thats the kind of thing swimming around in my head, hopefully there's someone here whom reads it and perhaps adds there thoughts.

Oh and demon, I'm hoping you might find the time at some point to sort out the website a bit more. No worries if not, but it really does need that tune up, and you seem to know a lot more about what themes we need etc then I do.
Cheers :)

Multi Theft Auto Discussion / Re: An update.
« on: November 21, 2010, 06:27:10 PM »
Yes I very much understand what your saying. And it does make some sense really, but yes no points system can be completely fair. The only one that works well is the points per beaten opponents point as it means beating amateurs isn't rewarding at all and beating people with lots of points is rewarding. However there still needs to be another source of points otherwise noone will ever get points, and I do feel that even when beating amateur players there should be some rewards for being better than them.

Also on a semi unrelated topic, I've changed the in game server logo to a much smaller and subtler one, and written a little addon script to the points system that outputs the amount of points won to the player. The first 3 to finish have this output to everyone, and the rest have it output exclusively to them.

Multi Theft Auto Discussion / An update.
« on: November 20, 2010, 07:36:22 PM »
Well recently I've been quite busy with other things, but I have been talking with acidbRain and thanks to some great contributions from him we now have a nicely working splittimes resource, which displays on the right of the screen, showing the position of each racer, and checkpoint split times. I personally think this is a fantastic addition.
I've also updated the the latest version of some of his other scripts such as playerstats and scoring system. Which brings me to the main point of this post.
What points system do we wish to go with?

The available options are: (italics are my suggested values)
  • Points per checkpoint - 0
  • Points per death - 0
  • Points per kill - 1
  • Points per opponent death - 0
  • Points per beaten opponent points - 0.01
  • Points per beaten opponent - 1
  • Points per race finish - 2.5
  • Points per race start - 0
  • Points per toptime set - 10
  • Points per win - 5
  • Points per winning streak - 5

Feel free (in fact please do) post this list with what you feel would be a good points system using this list.

On another note, I feel that it may become necessary to reset the toptimes list, mainly because we now have 3 different resources which seperately record toptime events, and because of this each one is out of sync, the splittimes resource especially records the cp times of the record run, so it seems important to me that this represents the actual toptime rather than the fastest time since that resource has run. However if people think that it is important to keep our toptimes we could leave them on and hope over time the records become broken and the other resources therefore are recording correctly.

Post Merge: November 20, 2010, 10:34:24 PM
Also we need to have a serious look at what maps we have on our server. I've seen some truly terrible and long maps that are guaranteed to clear the server if there are any player on it. Not good at all!

Denied Or Left Applications / Re: Woozie for SiK
« on: November 20, 2010, 01:00:50 AM »
Well the video isn't technically on our server, but I see no discernible difference that should effect the time so no problems there.
I feel the age here might be a little bit of a problem, but then there are some pretty mature younguns too so I have no problem with seeing how you go. That is after all the purpose of SiKr

Multi Theft Auto Discussion / Re: Server ghost mode.
« on: November 18, 2010, 07:11:05 AM »
Well actually my script does account for that, infact I actually pretty much wrote that quoted function myself, using the getElementRadius. Obviously I wasn't aware that that function already existed, but yes mine does compare the radius of each vehicle in the calculation thus ensuring the gap between vehicles is over 5.

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