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Interview reLax
« on: August 29, 2013, 09:03:31 AM »
So guys it took me a while but again im back and i have a mission to update the list and get all members interviewed. So if you want to be interviewed respond on this topic and i will get to you one day :P

So that been said here is the result of the relax interview,
Some say he is the secret power of SiK-A and that he has nothing to do all day. Others say he beated me in the 1 vs 1 (cancelled) event, but I still am not convinced.  All we know is he is Relax.

So relax tell me are you the secret power of SiK-a  and are you going to win the next  sik tournament?

best intro, but i'm not participating in the team tournament so I have no chance to beat you all there :( And I still need to admit that there are better guys in SiK-A then me, so I don't think i'm a secret weapon :D

hehe well a lot of those guys say they wont play that much anymore and to bad =( wanted to take revenge there :P

Just tell us some basic information where do you live what is your real name stuff like that. (work/study/hobby?s/sports?)

Most of the SiK guys know my real name is Michiel, I live in a boring city called 'Buggenhout' in Belgium, I don't like my country, me ( and almost the rest of my family) totally fell in love with Austria and my dream is to move there, later... I'm actually more busy with my sport then I am with school, but I still get nice points without studying much so I hope I can keep it like this :D My sport is tennis, and in the winter I do some mountain biking, you won't find me much inside when it starts snowing or so :D

yea belgium is fucked up :P btw and both sports i like to see but i suck in playing xD

I kinda cheated and read your bio for inspiration so next question: Do you and your brothers and sister finally have a pc for their own?

Yep, my sister bought her own laptop, and I use Naamloos's laptop because he bought a new pc, I only need to share this laptop with my little brother :)
You should come and train them with me then :D

I don?t think naamloos needs any more training maybe your sister and little brother do hehe

Hm, my little brother isn't interested in race (yet), he plays more DM :D and my sister doesn't have much time to play because of her studies :)

lead them to the dark side of mta and the dark side of gaming instead of studying

darkside = good side :)

that?s not what they think yet  :-[

Maybe for my sister it's too late, but not for my brother :D

well we are getting off subject :P let?s get back to the interview hehe, Do you already know what study you want to do or maybe a profession?

Nope, i'm still trying to find something I would like to do. I had much different 'dreams' last 2 years,  but I can't make a choice :D A train driver always seemed cool to me, but I don't think it will fit right to me, it's only sitting on a chair and pushing buttons :D So maybe I get a teacher (Yes, it sounds nerdy maybe) but i'll see what the future brings me, besides, I still have 2 years to think about this :)

hmm yea hard to choose what you want to do i am doing my PLAN D meanwhile :P

If you had to choose between sports to pick a favorite which one would it be?

I like tennis more, I already do it for 6 years now and I still have as much fun in it as I had when I did it the first time, some days I go to train every day, but I just don't lose fun in it :)

nice well I have the same with soccer sometimes you just fall in love with a sport i guess

Ok enough fun talk, let?s talk business now I mean fun can?t last forever right. So ofc I mean talking about SiK. When did you become a SiK? And your best performance is that holding some records or a performance with SiK ?A  or perhaps something else?

I think I got a SiKr at June 2012. I don't hold very much records in the server, because it's always Blade/winter/blacky/theone who has a faster run then me (Yeah, screw u guys!) I didn't achieve anything big I think as a SiK-A, I just give my best in every clanwar and I still see I progress in every clanwar, I fail less then I usually do. I think the only thing I can be proud of is my 2:05 in Deja Vu, but again winter did it faster -_-  :D And soon Shelby will break it, probably :D

hehe FUUUUU them :P

Ye, fuck em!

You have witnessed a lot of tournaments with SiK, but what is your favorite tournament and could you explain why? (summercup, national cup, mta league, sik tournament, etc)

I liked the MTA league the most, ( I only played 1 summercup, the one wich just passed but I didn't get much cw action there, only vs SiK-B. The maps of this tournament didn't fit good to me..) MTA league always had the most 'normal' maps, except when SGA choose Dragoncity ._. Also the national cup is very fun, only that the matches aren't very competitive, it was never a close result in these matches, so I think they should combine some country's to make the matches more fun

Like Belgium + The Netherlands, Spain + Portugal,... :D

BENELUX FTW although I don?t know any Luxemburg players :P

So In 10 years are you still in SiK, or have you left for a new clan? And in personal life where do you stand you think, at work maybe?

I hope this clan still excists in 10 years, I think MTA will be dead as hell and we all have to move to GTA V, or maybe GTA VI already, who knows :D In 10 years it means I'm 26, so my studies should be finished then, maybe I live alone with my girlfriend, if I get one ( doing le forever alone face)  But if everything stays as it is, I see no reason why I would leave this clan

nice to hear yea well don?t forget gta sa is already from 2004 so that is already 9 years old and still a lot of activity I think mta just will boost its performance ^^ and haha on every can fits a lid (Dutch expression) so will be fine little relax :)

What do you still hope to achieve in SiK?

I would like to win the team tournament just for one time :D Maybe ever, when I have much luck with the maps :D

we all want to haha but then there will always be a blade, blacky, winter, shelby, the_one

What is your favorite map?

I love the NiTR0US - maps, I know everyone hates them, but I just love them :D I most fully love all MSD his maps

yea MSD is a legend in mapping

A question I ask every mapper, is there coming a new map soon or a big project which you?re working on with several persons?

I love to organize tournaments, but in the race section it's impossible because honya organizes all the tournaments, 2 mta leagues per year and his Christmas tournament, and then there is summer cup from SKC,  So it's impossible for SiK to organize a big project in race. I haven't been very busy with mapping last days, but some DM mappers already asked me to make a ft. DM map, so maybe I?ll make one :)

hmm dm bleeeeh :P

Once you get to know how it works it's cool :D

yea we are getting flooded in tournaments and cw action, I know how to, I?m a old dd/dm player :P

then I switched to race and gawd I nevaah want to go back

For me it's no problem, all this cw's, as long as the maps stay fun and not maps like some clans usually like to pick...


My last question hasn?t changed since the last time, because I might have forgotten to ask stuff. So reLax is there anything else you would like to say to the clan?

I just want to say that I?m glad that I joined this awesome clan, there isn't a moment where I?ve regret it and I don't think I ever will, we have very social guys here, trolls like arslow and powah who gives us a lot of fun. And I want to warn blade, winter, blacky, the one and shelby, cause i'll do my best to beat you all in the next team tourn where I can participate :D

well and on that conclusion I want to close this interview. Thank you for your time reLax =) I had fun I hope you did as well.

Last thing, someone should really interview you too!

naah not before i finished all of you guys (whew)

only 60 members to go, good luck!

hehe yea :P

Thanks for interviewing me (angel)

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Re: Interview reLax
« Reply #1 on: August 29, 2013, 09:53:18 AM »
stfu ur Michelle not Michiel ;)

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Re: Interview reLax
« Reply #2 on: August 29, 2013, 10:00:34 AM »
stfu ur Michelle not Michiel ;)

and ur Camel nor Kamil ;)

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Re: Interview reLax
« Reply #3 on: August 29, 2013, 10:21:09 AM »
stfu ur Michelle not Michiel ;)

and ur Camel nor Kamil ;)
and you are 14uz not Fuz

btw relax, THAN me, THAN me, THAN me :DD nice interview :D

Offline i514x

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Re: Interview reLax
« Reply #4 on: August 29, 2013, 10:41:34 AM »
stfu ur Michelle not Michiel ;)

and ur Camel nor Kamil ;)
rasist gipsy :P

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Re: Interview reLax
« Reply #5 on: August 31, 2013, 11:01:57 AM »
Damn, it seems like we have another sports fanatic here D:

