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interview Furious
« on: June 14, 2013, 03:28:31 PM »

Some say he is also called Yannick like me but he hides it and shorts it to Yani. Others say he is so furious he looks a lot like angry German Kid (look it up at YouTube) when he loses. And others say he can?t stand me for being awesome, but I think he just can?t accept that we are a great team together (same for Fuz and Wonder btw). All we know is he is called Furious

Furious congratz with your good performance on the SummerCup pre-qualify against DSU, CrF and SKC followers. So tell us Furious is the text I wrote above all true or at least based on some facts?

Well, first off my name is Yani (just Yani). It's a Greekish name not so common in my country Bulgaria, but I love it :D As to my nickname, when I started MTA with my friend Stephan aka [MgC]FasT, we decided that we would be XxX-FuriouS-XxX and XxX-FasT-XxX and that's how FuriouS was born! I must say it fits me perfectly, because often when I fail I rage a lot (devil). And yes indeed we are an awesome team


Just tell us some basic information where do you live what is your real name stuff like that. (work/study/hobby?s/sports?)

Well, I live in Pleven, Bulgaria - a not so big town of about 50,000 dwellers. My real name is Yani, like I said in the previous answer smartie <3 I am still  studying - 10th grade at the f*cking Maths High school. I enjoy playing football, mta, running and my biggest passion - bodybuilding. Probably the best mta bodybuilding racer lol :D

Don?t get to bossy ^^ I just make some standard questions =P Hehe like it the bodybuilding part. You also have a gym at home just like eddy? Or just go to the local gym?

I go to a local gym, because if I had bought my own equipment, it wouldn?t be sufficient and it would be more expensive. I've been bodybuilding since I was 13 which is 4 years :)

Do you have a girlfriend or is there someone who got an eye on? Or just partying your ass off and looking for some cute girls in the club. Or just unlucky and can we maybe arrange a date for you? ^^

Nah, I don't have a gf for now ^^ Yeh I got my eye on a girl. Her name is Viki :D but I guess I am a bit too shy to ask her out. And nah I don't party that often maybe 3-4 times a year. I mainly focus on my diet, bodybuilding and studying from time to time ^^

school is ofc more important and sports kind of more important as well others wise your whole dedication would have been for nothing. And btw just do it Nike motto ;) (about viki I mean)

If you were on an inhabited island what would you pick to take with you?


How nice of you. Dunno if it will be handy because you don?t have any food. Or you can eat FuZ I guess xD

You know it?s hard for me to separate  you, fuz and Flow from each other. I think I know it now since we raced some more but that is after how many weeks lol. Did you ever hear that before or is it just me. And did you guys did it on purpose to confuse us coming all 3 from MgC and all start your nick with a F?

Nope, it was pure coincidence :P I joined first MgC then FloW, and then FuZ. We are a lot different. FloW is a more serious guy (sometimes) and FuZ is ..... uhm .... well FuZboy! I am some kind of a mix from both of them lol

hehe yeah I noticed now. But was really hard for me first lol XD

Why did you leave MgC and joined SiK? Whats so great about us?

I left MgC for numerous reasons. Mainly because of the fact that I put so much effort in bringing up the clan and nobody was giving a f*ck.  Me FuZ and Jopy were training our asses of for the CWs while the others were bitching that we are losers... also some of the 'senior' members made fun of us for unknown reasons and there was one crybaby that complained almost about everything and was acting like a total bitch (If you don't do what I want, I won't do this) so pretty much because of that. And I joined SiK because the atmosphere is perfect for me and because there are mature enough people in it.

Ah yea the atmosphere is the most important, when you don?t feel home you won?t be able to put some nice races. SKC didn?t had the atmosphere for me as well. SiK is just a big family.

What is the best or worst thing about your country of residence?

The worst thing is the poverty. I was lucky enough to be born in a "medium" family where I have the needed funds to live so and so well, however compared to some people I know... How do you think they survive with their parents' salaries less than 250 euro?

less than 250 euro that isn?t normal... dafuq EU where you at...

Ok so let?s talk about SiK. When did you become a SiK? And your best performance is that holding some records or a performance with SiK ?B  (maybe a little soon to ask this) maybe something else?

Yep, my best performance was no doubt at the first CW with DSU, Followers and CrF. I joined SiK about a month and a half ago with Fuzboy

You have witnessed a lot of tournaments but what is your favorite why? (summercup, national cup, mta league, sik tournament, etc)

I must say summercup. It has a lot of teams and there's a chance for everyone to play.
P.S. Docki's organisation's always perfect

last part must be sarcasm lol but yea it is nice so far


What is your favorite map? Or if you don?t know favorite kind of map

If I don?t get my daily dose I go nuts lol

sanking xD , lawl,  failure haha

ye right sandking ftw, best map in mta!!!!

So In 10 years are you still in SiK, or have you left for a new MgC ? And in personal life where do you stand you think, at work maybe?

Well, I don't intend to leave SiK in the near future, because I just joined lol. If I am happy as now I will never leave :)
Nope at home

lol to funny answer nope at home lol

My last question hasn?t changed since the last time, because I might have forgotten to ask stuff. So Furious is there anything else you would like to say to the clan?

Yes, a new age is coming for SiK! The Furi Age!

how about the WEET AGE


Well this was the Furious interview already, hope you guys enjoyed it again. I want to thank furious for his answers and funny interview. Next up is NikSersX remember you can all send in questions!! want to improve and change the formula a little bit next upcoming interviews.

Cya all again

Offline Giuvannaru91

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Re: interview Furious
« Reply #1 on: June 14, 2013, 03:40:25 PM »
ahahahah nice fury

another nice interview weet  \m/

Turtle fast :D
Ty sex :)

Offline FuZ

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Re: interview Furious
« Reply #2 on: June 14, 2013, 03:47:42 PM »
If you were on an inhabited island what would you pick to take with you?



Also i wanted to mention the training for cws and crybabyes as a reason for leaving MgC too but forgot. Also wurst once changed my forum name into [mgc]searosewaterer ;D But that's the past


Someone should interview weet too  ^-^
« Last Edit: June 14, 2013, 03:50:26 PM by FuZ »

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Re: interview Furious
« Reply #3 on: June 15, 2013, 08:03:31 AM »
Thanks guys, nice interview again!

