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Offline weet-niks

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Interview Eddy
« on: April 12, 2013, 11:49:50 AM »
So here is my next interview this person was begging me to interview him which is nice for a change haha. This interview was a little easier because eddy already had a bio so I could take some info from there and use it for the questions.

Some say he is the Stig from Macedonia and when he doesn?t need to be on the set of top gear he drives a taxi around Stip. And that he will be the next winner of the SiK tournament with just a little more training. All we know is he is called Eddy (the machine)

So eddy is it all true or just some made up story? :P

Yeaaah man, that's me :D the taxi driver from Stip and the winner of sik tournament :! Jajaja

hehe we shall see about that. =)

Just tell us some basic information where do you live what is your real name stuff like that. (work/study/hobby?s/sports?)

I?m Ivan from Stip, Macedonia, my job is a taxi driver, I study English language and Literature, I love training, from fitness to combat sports, from sports my favorite ones are any combat sports, and motosports and watching Strongman championship sometimes

So taxi driver.. What is the funniest thing happened to you? Or what is the funniest story anyone told to you?

About a story, in the center of city parked, a couple jumps in, the guy drunk as hell, the girl is fine, i don?t know why they were arguing but she was like "why did u do that, why why, and beating the shit out of him the whole way, slapping, slapping, pulling his hair, all the way till I stopped and they got out, the dude was cooked out, like she got a chance to beat him, it was crazy, I didn?t wanted to irrupt  I might have got beaten too xd and it was quite a long ride, the dude was red like the roses

whoot haha xD lol

Your studying English Language and Literature, what is your dream job within this sector?

My dream job doesn?t have anything to do with English literature xd but I want to be a stunter and I will :D The studying is just u know to get a decent job if the tough times kick in

stuntman you mean like for in movies with crashing cars etc?

yea that's right

that is awesomesauce =D


Who is your biggest hero? (maybe a famous person like Lewis Hamilton, Christiano Ronaldo, etc or maybe a family member?)

I have many, like mentors u know, Greg Plitt, CT Fletcher, Rossi, Senna, guys from who i learned a lot of life, respect and anything else, can?t think of anymore :D

What is your favorite car? And why

Favorite car, Honda Civic 1993, because it's a nice car, mine :P and I love it, old but awesome deserves to be driven 20 years later :P

If you needed to go to a country far away and you could only listen 1 type of music during the trip. What would it be?

hip hop ;d

You like Asian girls I read in your bio. Did you already have found one for yourself?

oo man Asian ooo, I love them with that cute little face and voice :P I do talk to some on Facebook but never met any in real Q_Q I hope to meet one, one day and marry her :D

never give up hope ;) I bet you will find one!

How far is your home made gym right now? Because last time I saw the pictures it was kinda messy and it looked like a prison xD but with some kind of rocky balboa style.

it's still looks like tornado went thru, but I like it that way, hardcore u know :D nothing changed :D

ah well still better than mine haha. I don?t have one :P or wait maybe I do I have weights standing in my bedroom lol

u forgot that u have weights :P u never use them? hehehe

nah 2 kgs xD but I do go to fitness to train and ofc soccer ;)

Ok so let?s talk about SiK. How long are you in SiK? And what is your best performance for sik?

I?m in SiK since December and my favorite performance was against SKC on Control which I won :D!

beating skc always nice =D

hell yea

You?re playing in a lot clan wars. Do you ever have nerves/stress and how do you handle it?

Aw man don?t ask :P I?m nervous all the time, I?m a little bit relaxed when I?m rdy u know, if I?m late and not in the concentrated state it's hard to handle it, it just doesn?t go your way, but the best way to handle it, put on some music and roll :D
If you are not relaxed, you can?t concentrate :D

hmm yea well did that didn?t help well going to ask next person as well for tips hehe

You got to ask blade, winter, one, blacky, davy, relax those top guys :D

yea true well will interview them soon then :P

Who is your favorite SiK player?

I have awesome relationship with everyone can?t name particular one u kno sory :D

that was a hard question ;d

haha yeah I know everyone does answer different or political correct like you did xD

Could you explain your nick? Because first I thought it was your name but your name is Ivan it is confusing =S

Ed, Edd, and Eddy :D

still don?t get it haha?

we were three friends playing on samp in the old days and we were ed, edd and eddy, from the cartoon, Google it :D

aah like that I will Google it in a few mins ;)

What is your favorite event on mta and why? (summercup, national cup, mta league, sik tournament, etc)

the Sik tourney, is too special and it has tradition u kno :D It's nice to see who is best of SiK and who can handle it :D

yea it is =D

In 10 years where can we expect you? Your still in SiK or are you the more career  guy/family guy or maybe even a famous stuntman? (what films can we expect you hehe)

yea I could be in SiK, and expect me to replace actors in the new mad max :P

nice gonna watch it then ofc :)

last question already, is there anything else you would like to share with us?

No not much you kno

well that was the end of the interview already

thanks for your time loved your story about the 2 persons fighting in your taxi lol XD

ok sir niki thank you and hope to see u on BBC/CNN lol :PP

haha hell no, don?t want to be interviewer for a real life job :P

hope you guys enjoyed reading next up is i514x
« Last Edit: April 12, 2013, 11:51:59 AM by weet-niks »

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Re: Interview Eddy
« Reply #1 on: April 12, 2013, 12:10:29 PM »
Haha nice interview again. Sooo funny to read ;D

Offline Giuvannaru91

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Re: Interview Eddy
« Reply #2 on: April 12, 2013, 12:48:08 PM »
eddy I hope you do not speak for the civic in the picture because it is a toilet  ;D

Turtle fast :D
Ty sex :)


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Re: Interview Eddy
« Reply #3 on: April 12, 2013, 03:02:46 PM »
eddy I hope you do not speak for the civic in the picture because it is a toilet  ;D

haha naah man it's a stock one, weet put that picture there :P

smth like this, normal, not modified or anything

Offline Giuvannaru91

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Re: Interview Eddy
« Reply #4 on: April 12, 2013, 03:24:18 PM »
I love JDM cars and this EG6 in this list hehe :)

Turtle fast :D
Ty sex :)

Offline NikSersX

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Re: Interview Eddy
« Reply #5 on: April 12, 2013, 03:27:28 PM »
Great interview, greatest so far, i think! :D It was so much fun to read it and that story from real life! :D