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Interview Zaxer
« on: April 06, 2013, 08:46:23 AM »
Ok guys so this time i tried to make it look more like just 2 guys chatting instead of question, answer, question, answer. Hope it worked, and you liked it 

Some say he is a Russian CIA project to learn everything about other countries. He drinks vodka all day and that all his posts at the topic funny videos, pictures and text :D where you see a man, secretly is zaxer himself.

So zax tell us is it all true? =O or just some random based on lies story

First of all, we don't have CIA in Russia. So I?m, maybe KGB project. And I don't like vodka at all. So this is partly true.

haha oke :P just kidding with you

lol =D

Just tell us some basic information where do you live what is your real name stuff like that. (work/study/hobby?s/sports/family?)

My name is Zahar, it's almost the same with my nickname. I'm 21 year old. Currently I?m studying in MIREA (Moscow Institute of Radiotechnics Electronics and Automatics) on specialty "Computers, complexes, systems and networks". It sounds little bit complicated. In other words I will be system administrator. Currently I don't have work, in my small town very hard to find a partly time work. And I don't have time for hobby, studying takes almost all my time. I only playing beach volleyball with friends at summer.

beach volley is nice =) btw system administrator looks like an awesome job. Do you help SiK with it already or maybe something you want to do later? (maintaining the server etc)

I'm not helping SiK with server. And maybe I won't do it in future, because everything looks like without me. We already have group of main admins who do it, and couple of great scripters. Maybe I will do some scripts in future because I like to programming some times.

okay that?s clear. We shall see in the future then ;)

Came up with a other question later. I asked zax in what year of his study he was. He told me this:

Currently i'm on 4th year. And study in institute takes 5 years. So next year I?ll finish studying.

If you could pick a place and country for your ideal holiday. What country and place will it be?

I'd like to visit San-Francisco. To see Golden Gate bridge and have a bicycle ride on Lombard street. Btw, San-Fierro is my favorite city in SA

hmm good choice want to see it myself aswell one day if i have enough money :P

What is you biggest fear? (Maybe spiders or grim like giu hehe)

I have a strange phobia. I afraid of... caterpillars. I scream like a girl and run away. Seeing huge spider or jump with parachute will be ok, but caterpillars... brr

(it is so fluffy I?m going to die, (for the ones who don?t know it is from a pixar movie called despicable me)

Do you also play other games besides mta? ( I know in fact you play bioshock infinite)

Yes I play other games. I'm already done with Bioshock, and I strongly recommend it because plot there is masterpiece. It has many references to quantum physics, and space-time paradoxes. I also big fan of Mass Effect universe, I have all three games, all books and comics. Of course I like Half-Life universe. And i used to play Team Fortress 2 in ETF2L (European Team Fortress 2 League), before I returned to MTA.

that are a lot of games =D nice still need to start with bioshock just don?t have the time =(

For these games is always possible to find a free time.

hehe like the way you?re thinking but school doesn?t think that way :P

Ok so let?s talk about SiK. How long are you in SiK? And what is your best performance for sik?

I'm in SiK since august 2012. Funny story about my joining. I returned in MTA in July 2012, and went on Katastrofas' server where I spent two years, I saw there in top times Farto's name and he had a tag. I knew that SiK one of the best clans in the world. Next day I started to play on SiK server. And Farto joined. Seemed that he liked to see me, and he told me to make an app. I said: "I don't have enough skills, plus I didn't play for a year". He said: "No, you're skilled". So we had a little dispute. I made an app and was accepted to clan. So I lost in that dispute. And since I?m not traitor and clan hopper, I play here. About performance, I have couple race wins in clan wars, for now it's my best.

hmm seems like we need to thank farto for that

I don?t think I have to ask this anymore because of the last question but who is your favorite SiK player

ME! haha :D To be honest, I don't have favorite player in clan. Because all people here are cool.

we think your cool as well so you have the right to say me haha =D

What is your favorite event on mta and why? (summercup, national cup, mta league, sik tournament, etc)

I didn't play in summercup yet, so I can't say anything about it. But for others, they're so different it's hard to choose my favorite. In MTA league you play for your clan, in National cup you play for your country, and you can battle against your clan mates. SiK tournament is all about having fun. I like all the tournaments equally. Maybe SiK tournament little bit more.

If you needed to make a cw map list of 5 maps. What maps would those be?

Mostly offroad maps, such as High Noon, Sandking, oldschool rally. I'd like to add a sultan map, Insultan 5 maybe. And 5th map would be luck tester definitely.

Seems like there are our next maps for the cw @winter haha

Your making maps as well right? Do you have new maps coming up or just taking a break from mapping?

Yes, I?m making maps, but not often. Most of my ideas are bad. I tried to make Sochi Olympic Park Circuit last week. Map came out very boring, so I deleted it. When I have an idea for making something cool and have free time I starting an editor. Now my head is empty, so no maps are planned.

We almost reached the end of the interview like always the 2 closing questions:

In 10 years where can we expect you? Your still in SiK or are you the more career guy/family guy or maybe even a famous server administrator?

Dunno. 10 years is long period. Anything can happen. But, as I said, I?m not a traitor or clan hopper. So you can expect me in SiK in 10 years.

yeah 10 years is a long time. I didn?t mean to change clan more of maybe you?re in the retirement part of sik.

Okay anyways

last question already, is there anything else you would like to share with us?

Nothing interesting I think. Maybe about my town, Dubna. It's a well-known  town. 105th element of periodic table has been discovered here (105th element = Dubnium.) , in JINR (Joint Institute of Nuclear Research). By the way it can be my workplace in future. At least first years after I?ll finish studying. This is why I love physics, especially quantum.

that is awesome didn?t know Dubna myself but I do now gonna google some more info in a few mins ;)

Then this interview has come to an end. I want to thank you for your time zax really enjoyed talking to you, hope you felt the same way.

Yeah, I liked this conversation too. Finally I shared some information about myself

yeah that is nice we all know you a lot better now ;)

And I want to thank the rest of SiK for reading this interview again =)

Next up is Eddy the machine or Try - ing something new i5 we shall see :P

Offline Giuvannaru91

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Re: Interview Zaxer
« Reply #1 on: April 06, 2013, 09:23:44 AM »
nice interview  8)

wait next  ^-^ ^-^

Turtle fast :D
Ty sex :)

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Re: Interview Zaxer
« Reply #2 on: April 06, 2013, 11:31:33 AM »
Nice! :)

Offline Grim_Reeper

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Re: Interview Zaxer
« Reply #3 on: April 09, 2013, 04:37:36 AM »
Great interview :)

Killer caterpillars lol.



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Re: Interview Zaxer
« Reply #4 on: April 09, 2013, 06:23:53 AM »

Offline Zaxer

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Re: Interview Zaxer
« Reply #5 on: April 09, 2013, 08:33:07 AM »
FUck you Eddy.  I can now build a Great chinese wall with this amount of bricks. >:(

Offline Giuvannaru91

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Re: Interview Zaxer
« Reply #6 on: April 09, 2013, 01:38:44 PM »
lol zax  ^-^ ^-^ ^-^

Turtle fast :D
Ty sex :)

