Hello guys.
Well, that's all for today. All I want to say is a very big "Thank you" to everyone involved into organizing these events, and of course - to you, dear participants. I hope you've had a good time wishing for a better vehicle in Luck Tester, passing limits in Limit Break, avoiding walls in Perfect Run, taking care of hp bar in Endurance and just making it to the last checkpoint on the map in today's event.
Special thanks to:
SuperNova - for amazing scripts and making maps for the events;
Megas - for helping me with uploading maps, spreading announcements around forums and help with scripting;
E1manTas - for making graphics you can see on the 1st page;
WintersuN - for spreading announcement on forums;
r1d3r - for spreading announcement on AdrenalineX and other forums, tho he wasn't even asked to do so...Thanks Rider.
Today we reached over 70 racers playing on the same server, at the same time. This means that the racing community stays strong and well-knit...Let it last forever.
About the results of all the events - they will be uploaded in another topic called
Results of the Anniversary events just when i will have some free time. You can check the results of Luck Tester and Endurance Event yet today,
Thanks for everything and once again, happy birthday SiK!