Author Topic: Poem: My Ex  (Read 1134 times)

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Poem: My Ex
« on: March 23, 2009, 09:43:27 AM »
when we first met, we were just friends
then we ended up helpin each other to the ends
you were the girl i always adored

you have had some rough times before
with jerks and idiots who always wanted more
you hoped they would waken up
in the end you ended up sayin NUP

you left them for someone who was there for you
the kinda person who waits for what you wanna do
some who was and is there to help

let it be known
i will never leave you alone
you are the sun in my day
i wish you could always stay

and the fact that i love you
through and through
« Last Edit: March 24, 2016, 08:36:39 AM by 1thwonder »

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