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Messages - Dekoder

Pages: [1]
Denied Or Left Applications / Dekoder SiK Apk
« on: February 20, 2021, 01:05:33 PM »
1. Real name: Paweł
2. Gaming name: Dekoder
3. Games you play: MTA GTA 5 CS:GO Fortnite
4. Previous or current clans (and reasons why you left them): NGU SRX AF  GF I've been kicked out of the last two and the first two are dead
5. Country of residence:Poland
6. Age: 15
7. Computer specifications (CPU, GPU, RAM): Ryzen 5 2600 Rx 570 8gb OC 16 gb
8. Why will you be a good addition to SiK?:Because I improved my skills and I want SIK to be the better clan
9. Video of you racing on our server:I don't have a video as I have nothing to record right now, but there is something on my channel to convince -
10. PM your serial number to an Administrator.
11. Anything else you think is relevant:Maybe I have a bad opinion, but I'm working on it and trying to fix it and trying to be a better player
12. Did you read the rules and fully understand them?: Yes
13. Paste the answer from the question:[PHS] PotholeStudios

14. Skype (Discord, Facebook, IRC):dekoder#3827

Denied Or Left Applications / Dekoder SiK Application
« on: November 19, 2020, 03:21:29 AM »
1. Prawdziwe imię: Paweł
2. Nazwa gracza: Dekoder
3. Gry, w które grasz: CS:GO GTA V MTA
4. Poprzednie lub obecne klany (i powody, dla których je opuściłeś): SRX, JRC with SRX I left because I didn't have time to play and JRC just closed
5. Kraj zamieszkania: Poland
6. Wiek: 15
7 Specyfikacje komputera (CPU, GPU, RAM): i5 2400 RX 570 8gb v ram 16 GB ram
8. Dlaczego będziesz dobrym dodatkiem do SiK ?: I think that I will help a lot for SIK and that I can deal
9. Film przedstawiający wyścigi na naszym serwerze: Sorry, I don't have the movie, I can say that I drive better than windson
10. Poproś administratora o numer seryjny. PM Megaz, discord
11. Cokolwiek jeszcze uważasz za istotne:
12. Czy przeczytałeś zasady iw pełni je zrozumiałeś ?: Yes
13. Wklej odpowiedź z pytania:[PHS] PotholeStudios
14. Skype (Discord, Facebook, IRC): Dekoder_nitro#3827

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