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Multi Theft Auto Discussion / Re: Rant About Vanilla 2024 Meta and why racing died
« Last post by KacPower on August 24, 2024, 06:57:19 PM »
I think that somehow it touches me since i was an organizator of National Cup.;p

Although i prefere cw on trained alpha maps it's really difficult to organize such tournay with that idea cause playing on random maps is just much easier. You don't have to spend a lot of time on training. You just come at Sunday, play what you have to play and bye bye. Also look that there are less and less people who are going to high school and have a lot of free time. Most of us are studying at uni, working at job or starting a family which requires much more time and responsibility. That style of matches just suit to most players and help them to connect game with their private lifes.

About cars. Yes, i was blocking such cars as LV police on most maps because it bumps on every corner. The only city which that car can pass is LV, rest are too bumpy. I think it's quite understandable that if you play on random map you don't want to wonder about taking a risk at every corner.

About map structure. I don't see any problem when you know where to go by looking at minimap. Most of us know almost every detail of san andreas map so it's only about clear checkpoints placement for me. I completely don't get which line is better or worse, clear cps placement is clear cps placement and you have to suit to it. Untill you know where to go why you have to be mad on that.

Mappacks were submitted to public evaluation and it's a bit like with policy some players like ideas other's don't. Before nc i was creating mappacks for funwars and for example TR players really liked ideas i put in them but for example Emery hated my maps. I know why and i don't blame him. He just prefere different style. Sometimes it's difficult to make everyone happy.

About toxicity.. I think that it's not only the problem of mta but also every multiplayer game. I glad that we still can get together to have fun on various matches.
Of course, with sharing that photo of one player was too much but insulting.. Why you bother that someone from different continent says that you suck in this game or anything else. Such crying only makes other to insult you more cause they see that you react on that and (i guess it's some kind of psychological thing) they are just curious what would be your next step. It's just waste of time but for some people pleasure.

More distance to this game and whole community. Former structures change into new ones with different rules. Some people leave communities, others come. Time forces us to suit to new.. maybe not new - to different environment and the past can only stay in our mind as a nostalgia.
Multi Theft Auto Discussion / Re: Rant About Vanilla 2024 Meta and why racing died
« Last post by MegasXLR on August 18, 2024, 08:26:42 AM »
I agree with some points and not with others.
For example maps longer than 3 or at the very max 3.5 minutes are just boring - doesn't matter who the mapper is or what the map is - there are maybe 5 maps that are 10 minutes long and are actually enjoyable and those are just classics. Also it's fine to have them come once in a while but when every second map is 4 or more minutes it just bores most players.
About the objects I'm 50/50 - if done right they can indeed be good for the experience but if done bad just for the sake of there being custom put objects then the whole map can go to shit.
And about using different vehicles - while I do kind of understand your point of getting annoyed by the same vehicles all the time I also don't see how putting a go cart, rhino or some truck is a good idea for racing. They're slow, huge, not very maneuverable and just not made for racing. There's a reason racing movies and games etc are with mostly the same type of cars - you won't see a family sedan in Fast & Furious or Need For Speed for example but you'd always see a tuner or muscle car :)
Personally I stopped playing actively because I got fed up with the game itself, not with any particular thing like vanilla maps or alpha maps etc - after all I'd been playing only or mainly MTA from 2014-2015 until 2021-2022 - now I just prefer to watch series, go out to concerts and just do other things :D
Multi Theft Auto Discussion / Re: Rant About Vanilla 2024 Meta and why racing died
« Last post by Driver on July 31, 2024, 09:54:26 AM »
Can't deny , since no alpha map has been played in matches/tournaments for the last 6-8 years , i haven't played ANY alpha map. Even in FFS , i haven't visited alpha not a single time. You may ask why? Because everyone is playing classic or "vanilla". And now when i red your post , i realised that this called "Vanilla meta" is fucking the racing scene. I remember the GTA.RU server times , when there were various of maps - you played Wu Zi Mu , and after that map there is random car race , where every cp changes your car. That map was my fucking favorite , because it was fun to play!

All i can say , pretty good topic and i wish this will be seen.
Multi Theft Auto Discussion / Rant About Vanilla 2024 Meta and why racing died
« Last post by Dan12345 on July 22, 2024, 11:17:13 AM »
Hello everyone!

I would like to rant about the Vanilla 2024 meta. I don't understand few things about it why players want enjoy it so much. More and more players are quitting because either of total boredom in these matches or just simply because there's nothing new or interesting:

- Vanilla setting in general: I understand, cool and all - show your skill, no objects, no nothing but why? Why vanilla pros persuade players to hate Alpha, Classic, GP maps and tell them that they are shit? Those mappers who made very good GP maps, or maps with good object placements spent actual big time (maybe even few days, drawing and writing how map should look like, putting shortcuts or fixing the roads) they got no respect for them whatsoever. I saw alot of pros shitting those maps in public and honestly I didn't like it - they don't have ANY respect for legendary mappers. Next thing, the pros themselves make shitty 3-4 minute vanilla maps, that are boring, bland and sometimes done poorly and looking almost indetical because they wont add objects. They care more about "new super hiper fast pro lines" but some people also lack map mapping skills. Before, you trained maps and ever if you were total shit, after training you could still match some top dogs in the game and actually make matches alot of more interesting, with suprise wins etc.: I even made BIGGER checkpoints for them, to stop fucking complaining if they would accidentally miss a checkpoint - there would be no way of doing that with checkpoint size 15 - and then one person complains saying fuck your checkpoint 15 size map 1/10 when there were way worse maps in the tourney. He gave it because of "rage" (because he probably failed and its his fault that he did) That's honestly just tiring.

Example: They let me make maps for NC, and at the beginning maps were tested by these so called "vanilla" guys that they were adapted to the vanilla standards, some small changes here and there, reduce bumps, etc.: but when i made more map packs they just kinda... stopped checking them? I know Kac ain't a 100% vanilla player and likes Alpha and Classic too and he checked them and it seemed fine, but then some addicted vanilla snorters are complaining that i removed "one lamp" (how the fuck you even manage to tell that, you must've been addicted) and that concludes that this ain't vanilla anymore. Like WTF. I want to make a easier "map" for your sorry-vanilla ass for you not to complain about it (some parts I think should've lamps tweaked a little bit) and yet even if it seems fine and everybody just flying around the map with no mistakes you still won't give appreciation. Fun part is they always complain about bumps... So do something about it! I got files that can remove bumps completely. Shift spent time fixing collisions, so why not somebody could spend the time implementing the bumps script if that is causing a huge ruckuss. I would personally leave bumps. Is Counter Strike without its glitches? wrong clippings? Shadows? It would also be interesting, how a more skilled player would handle the car bump (if he would control it really well, or really shit)

Next is hipocrisy. I got told that FBI Truck, LV Police Car cause huge bumps, so I didn't do them. Then I see that other pros actual maps got accepted with the same vehicles, and nobody complains... like WTF?

Next is time management. You see the decrease of actual players pulling up to fun wars - team fun wars or nation fun wars even if they are informed & have scheduled matches with themselves. I think I have an explanation for that. Before, you could do map that even had like 58 seconds to like 2:30 minutes and in under 30 minutes you could complete the CW and spend your time, go to sleep, get a handjob from your girl or do some other things. For me it takes too long, they extend the maps for god knows what - put million checkpoints just to extend the map by going in circles or making absurd ammount of turns because they LIKE it, JUST a little bit longer to fit the requirement of 3 min map (when I did some maps on NC i honestly got tired of putting many turns over, and over, and over again so the last map packs i did i just put more checkpoints on straight roads or from boredom just unorthodox). That is absolute bullshit. That's why players ain't pulling up - they just dont' have time staying 1 full hour (or 1:20 hour) to sit around and drive 3 minute maps. They know its gonna be 1 hour. Most of them aren't kids anymore, and i actually value some of them - why sit playing a tournament where you get no prize, get insulted when you can just go study or go enjoy your life? To be fair - i would consider 4 minute map an enduro at this point, it feels like an eternity to complete it. Map should be fun, interesting and short. And i'm not shitting at Classic vanilla maps (like Wu Zi Mu, Drift, or LV Sprint - these are top dogs, and always will be. Every veteran knows them and they are more enjoyable than this fucking trash)

Next is fishy actions happening: There's alot that has been happening. Recently one player got doxxed and his private face pictures has been leaked, and he's prompted to contact the authorities because of how much harrasement he gets and this might even turn into a court case. Toxicity is at another level in this community - its nowhere near close to that toxicity that was in 2016-2017. Some Argentinian motherfucker who probably spends 24/h on FFS servers having absolutely no life grinds all day, all night in this game does this: If sees a less "vanilla advanced" mapper, who does a map to his match his fucking sick profanity comes into light - starts to absolutely rip off your shreds just because he either did a mistake by himself (by driving into a lamp) and he blames the mapper for it (which is very hypocritical, dude you wanted vanilla without removed objects XD) or blames him for a shit car, or blames an unexperienced "vanilla" mapper for not doing enough shortcuts to satisfy his ass (so make sure next time to allow only "vanilla" enjoyers and "shortcut professionals" to make maps) or lines because he's a diva and you should always include the same fucking lines all over again. Be glad that we at least try to make some maps at some games INTERESTING. Putting planes, not the same cars all over again, doing alpha maps (maps with objects) or very brave maps that would most likely get criticized, but for veterans it would look like alot of fun. To be honest I slept throught nearly all of the National Cup 2024 matches because it was so boring and bland. Then, the same guy acts like a tough guy and thinks that he can't be touched - goes on FFS and insults poor Chillean players who just wanted to play some of their maps on FFS and calls them faggots, n00bs and to "get back to your alpha shit" without no reason at all (he wasn't provoked, he wasn't insulted and they weren't even speaking to them) - then he got humbled by FFS Admin, given a mute but still acts tough outside FFS and is not banned on other servers (if this would be esports i would treat that as a total cocksucker behaviour, and ban him for undisclosed time until he finds a fcking therapy and improves himself). Also mentoining that this guy is being fucking psycho (you cant even speak to him normally and debate about vanilla being worse than classic, because he's going to insult you), and being all cocky in a game that he is not getting money from (so why bother play it and unleash your nerves? go walk your dog, go touch grass) Those type of dicks should be banned. Next: National Cup server that was used for matches (mainly Polish Paradise Server) got griefed by someone during National Cup tournament, and why it happened? Because a player had a beef with the admin there (and he also was a nc player), completely corrupting the server - installing a script that just broke the whole server just because of an argument. What about if this would be the only server for the game that they had? They wouldn't play anymore, if server admins would've been less skilled in server management, therefore destroying a tournament. That's just straight bullshit behavior. Why bother do that?

Next: Vanilla should've incerease skill - but actually... skill got worse?

The bullshitery I heard about vanilla incereasing skill is partially true. Yes, very nice finds for car lines, wallrides, slowroads and speedroads discoveries etc.: But when it comes to planes - everybody suddenly starts to become an amateur and starts being a psycho and a wet noodle when they see a plane map. They are fucking amateurs when it comes to planes, and they have a FUCKING AUDACITY TO CALL THEMSELVES FUCKING PRO PLAYERS while at the same time sucking at planes. I wouldn't call him a pro - I would call him mid af. Grow up and start driving other categories, and stop beating a dead horse by playing nearly identical looking maps (because this is vanilla, and you CAN'T modify it, put objects, ec) with almost the same cars and bikes. Nobody puts Regina on clanwars, nobody puts Rhino, nobody puts Monster Truck (yes, monster truck is labeled as a very crazy vehicle, what a fucking joke) Same with boats - boats were also created to race, but you neglect them because one "important" person labeled it as shit so you automatically label them as shit too (which is nonsense). Boats can be utilized pretty well too and if you can't swim with them - you are a nobody. And it's a funny contrast because when there were actually DECENT rules, usually teams could pick maps that they were best at and for example Russian players loved flying, so they picked hydra maps and they were absolutely skilled at it and they could easily come back pretty easy in matches when they were losing. This was interesting to watch, and funny to watch some fails. Now the same russians are barely skilled in those plane maps because of the fucking neglect of vanilla lovers who created an ideology in the head of the racers that you should always play vanilla on matches because other non vanilla maps are useless for cw's.

And lastly - players leaving the game forever because all of the vanilla divas being total dicks

I got multiple messages from my friends that are indeed racers, that were active and loved the game - that they will no longer play the game, just because of all this things combined. They are tired of vanilla meta, they are tired of insults, they are tired of toxicity - and nobody gives shit about it. They would just rather be engaged in more non-vanilla community and enjoy other gamemodes, or more interesting non boring race maps that vanilla divas would call shit (classic, alpha, dd, dm whatever would be given to them). They even prefer a much more lighthearted events than vanilla.

I thought It would be a great idea to reward good players by putting money on the line on the tournaments - but i would rather want to do that on CS2 rather than here. It's no point, unless I find actual polite players who do love this game, who enjoy racing and who doesn't complain everytime. I would choose appropriate maps from popular mappers, they would train them and they would pick 5 maps each on the game that they would drive - other team too and they would share the info which maps they picked, so they can both train these maps. It would eliminate the possibility of map being shit, because instead of driving the maps "blind" you would actually know how to drive, so you wouldn't blame a mapper (that's my opinion)

Sorry but i needed to get this off my fucking chest, its honestly sad. I ever prefer playing on 30fps Joshimuz speedrun race server than obey their shitty soviet-like rules because there's nothing interesting. That's what actually gives me joy and will to play this game from time to time.

Now waiting for the vanilla divas to come and shit me under the post.
Denied Or Left Applications / Re: GB. SiK Application
« Last post by DemonSeed on June 30, 2024, 03:23:37 PM »
Member Biographies / Re: Clan List
« Last post by MegasXLR on June 30, 2024, 01:14:53 PM »

Welcome to our new [SiKr] member :)

Denied Or Left Applications / Re: GB. SiK Application
« Last post by MegasXLR on June 30, 2024, 01:09:18 PM »
Denied Or Left Applications / Re: GB. SiK Application
« Last post by KacPower on June 29, 2024, 08:57:06 PM »
Hi, nice to see your application.

I saw you playing on ffs server and also on national cup. You're fast and you are still developing. Also as i saw you've collected the biggest amount of points among Brazilians on nc and you had really good match against PL-2 where you collected more points than Mateoryt and Aroszparo as i remember. That's quite impressive for a young player.

Also you seem to be kind and you don't cause any problems. I really appreciate it.

But the most important thing for me is loyality. You have written "why i want to meet new clans". It sounds like you are not going to settle yourself somewhere but you want to check what it's like in different clans. For me there is nothing more disappointing and annoying than leaving us without any reason after a few months (don't get me wrong, i only don't accept clanhopping. If there is a reason to leave clan then i don't mind).

So please explain again why you want to join to SiK and why you chose us. Don't want the situation where the decision came at the snap of a finger without any thought about it beforehand.

My vote is No for now but could be changed after explanation
Denied Or Left Applications / Re: GB. SiK Application
« Last post by Monarch on June 28, 2024, 03:47:41 PM »
I trust you, i give you one chance. "Yes"
Denied Or Left Applications / GB. SiK Application
« Last post by gabrielw33 on June 28, 2024, 03:45:16 PM »
Real name:Gabriel
Gaming name:GB
Games you play:MTA
Previous or current clans (and reasons why you left them):clan 326 racing (why i want to meet new clans)
Country of residence:Brazil
Computer specifications (CPU, GPU, RAM):i3 11 generation 8gb ram
Why will you be a good addition to SiK?:I'm always online
Video of you racing on our server:
PM your serial number to an Administrator.A88B8B3306FB25253A567F8026D4FFE3 and 71C991A3FC1ECE041ADC3688B533578
Anything else you think is relevant:yes
Did you read the rules and fully understand them?:yes
Paste the answer from the question:[PHS]PotholeStudios
Skype (Discord, Facebook, IRC):GB#1113
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