Author Topic: Mappers crew  (Read 17069 times)

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Offline Jazzy @

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Mappers crew
« on: January 14, 2014, 11:32:42 AM »
We were talking about to do a mappers crew, to test and rate the maps and to do other projects. If all agree we can choose a leader and a coleader and colaborate with Sexmaniac with the maps stuff.
The goal can be that all the members can post the name of the map (in a topic called "maps to revision") and we can rate positive or negative the "bad/boring" maps uploaded to the server.
If the average rate is bad, then we can delete it with the Sexmaniac aprovation.
For example: JJ_indoor /bad for me

I leave the poll blank waiting the answers and the candidates.
« Last Edit: January 14, 2014, 11:38:39 AM by Jazzy @ »

Offline Dukes

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Re: Mappers crew
« Reply #1 on: January 14, 2014, 01:12:09 PM »
« Last Edit: January 24, 2019, 07:32:08 PM by Dukes »

Offline Giuvannaru91

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Re: Mappers crew
« Reply #2 on: January 14, 2014, 01:31:24 PM »

i'd vote but i have no idea what does a b c ... etc mean :o

agree :D

wait information for this a b c vote solution  :o

Turtle fast :D
Ty sex :)

Offline Jazzy @

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Re: Mappers crew
« Reply #3 on: January 14, 2014, 01:54:58 PM »
I'm just waiting for the agree of all members and mains, but I'll put the candidates, if someone more can be the map leader post here ;)

Offline jason

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Re: Mappers crew
« Reply #4 on: January 14, 2014, 04:03:40 PM »
Very good idea sex and jazzy!!!  ;)
« Last Edit: January 15, 2014, 05:19:24 AM by jason »

Offline PauerfC_Cl

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Re: Mappers crew
« Reply #5 on: January 15, 2014, 03:17:49 AM »

Thanks Sex! :)

Offline Grim_Reeper

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Re: Mappers crew
« Reply #6 on: January 15, 2014, 04:46:10 AM »
Guess it could be benificial in the long run,

If you keep it to 2 people then those 2 people must not bias based on what they would find to be a bad map, instead judging maps with a clear head, another way of preventing this would be to add more people to co-leaders and take a percentage of the people that vote against the map?

Good idea guys.


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Re: Mappers crew
« Reply #7 on: January 15, 2014, 05:07:15 AM »
I think it will be a good idea for new maps, and not for the old maps. We have almost 3.000 maps and 40 really active members. So if we want to handle this system, theoretical you can get 120.000 forum discussions. Even when we shouldn’t receive 99% of them we still need to examine at least 1200 messages.
Personally I think it will consume too much time.

For the old maps, the fastest way is to make a couple of members responsible for deleting maps with the following aspects:
Aspects based on ALL server visitors, and not only members.

Example: don’t know the name, but when the 12 or 18 minutes map starts I see 50% of all players leaving the server. For us, this map is nice on the training server, but if we like to have much players on the regular server we need to remove these kind of maps.

More examples:

Maps that are extremely boring (also extremely long maps 6-8 minutes and above)

The map needs to be finishable for at least 25% of all players

No bugs

Vodka maps

Maps that are to dark

Offline RogaliK

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Re: Mappers crew
« Reply #8 on: January 15, 2014, 05:21:27 AM »
You guys should make a team with about 10 players ''Maptesters'' who will test that kind of maps (as Sex said) it will help you understand which maps are boring/bugged and etc. Something like a commission on these matters. 10 opinions will help ya out a lot. It's just my opinion, good luck.  ;)

Offline Grim_Reeper

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Re: Mappers crew
« Reply #9 on: January 15, 2014, 05:25:38 AM »
Hmm yers Sex is right, well maybe instead of keeping it forum orientated (having to return here all the time to look at map names and discussions of said map etc etc.) this collaboration of people could decide the maps fate, by means of communicating with each other (via skype or even the forums or in-game)? I guess you could say this group would have privileges for maps as being part of the crew and only they can decide whether they would like it abolished or not.

Maybe even this group could contact the person with the toptime of the map and ask nicely if they could part with it if they can, especially if the map is deemed terrible.

You guys should make a team with about 10 players ''Maptesters'' who will test that kind of maps (as Sex said) it will help you understand which maps are boring/bugged and etc. Something like a commission on these matters. 10 opinions will help ya out a lot. It's just my opinion, good luck.  ;)

Like this ^^^^^^^^^


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Re: Mappers crew
« Reply #10 on: January 15, 2014, 06:02:25 AM »
If forums could be deleted we could have forum polls about each track and have a vote for as many days then once the time limit is up, the vote is decided.

2:02:195 on JJ_Montseny(Focus)
1:26:509 on SiK Coaster #2
2:00:773 on JJ_Montseny
4:19:180 on Ju Zi Mu

Offline Jazzy @

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Re: Mappers crew
« Reply #11 on: January 15, 2014, 12:41:41 PM »
In summary:
1thWonder and Jazzy are the leaders of the mapper crew

For the old maps:

1) Definition of maps unplayable:
Maps that can't be finished under 6 minutes.
Maps badly made (too dark, bad handling, bad designed or poorly assembled, obviously boring)
Maps bugged
Maps extremely hard (Like the JJ_RedBull_AirRace series that are too hard for no regular players and they die one time and another like in a bucle :D )
(add more if you have more ideas)

2) The mappers leaders post in a private topic the unplayable maps, the topic can be "maps to delete" and only this 2 members and mainadmins can access to it, this way the mainAdmins can delete the maps.

3) (optional) All the members can post in another topic only for SiK members "Maps to revise" if they find some maps with the point 1 conditions. The mapper leaders can revise them and post or not in the "maps to delete" topic if the maps are really unplayable. (this point can help to identify more unplayable maps)

For new maps:
Sexmaniac already test the new maps and his judgement is enough. But if he want, we can help him tesing the maps and rating or something like this in the same "maps" topic.

Furthermore, the mapper leaders can create another topic for share map stuff, like toolbox, tutorials, map scripting, new objects, dubts, tricks... Only for SiK members  :D :D :D

Offline Matafix

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Re: Mappers crew
« Reply #12 on: January 15, 2014, 01:07:40 PM »
Maps that can't be finished under 6 minutes.
Long races are hard but not 'bad'. Ofc there are few boring tracks but I think you should keep some of them (there are some nice enduros). I suggest testing all maps over 6+ minutes - not deleting all of them, just some. In my opinion you should delete long races which don't require skills (long drags).

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Offline reLax

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Re: Mappers crew
« Reply #13 on: January 15, 2014, 01:13:53 PM »

2) The mappers leaders post in a private topic the unplayable maps, the topic can be "maps to delete" and only this 2 members and mainadmins can access to it, this way the mainAdmins can delete the maps.
So only the 'leaders' can see the topic? I don't like that.... All people have different tastes, example like those NiTR0US-maps, some hate them, some love them (me). While most people say it's shitty edited, i like it very much..
I think we want to create a server where everyone has fun, and not only on the maps the map 'leaders' like :/

Offline Jazzy @

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Re: Mappers crew
« Reply #14 on: January 15, 2014, 01:19:07 PM »
Maps that can't be finished under 6 minutes.
Long races are hard but not 'bad'. Ofc there are few boring tracks but I think you should keep some of them (there are some nice enduros). I suggest testing all maps over 6+ minutes - not deleting all of them, just some. In my opinion you should delete long races which don't require skills (long drags).

2) The mappers leaders post in a private topic the unplayable maps, the topic can be "maps to delete" and only this 2 members and mainadmins can access to it, this way the mainAdmins can delete the maps.
So only the 'leaders' can see the topic? I don't like that.... All people have different tastes, example like those NiTR0US-maps, some hate them, some love them (me). While most people say it's shitty edited, i like it very much..
I think we want to create a server where everyone has fun, and not only on the maps the map 'leaders' like :/
I don't know this maps, but we are talking about only the obiously unplayable maps. And for me it's ok to do the topic for all SiK members I just say it for not disturb, but the "maps for revision" can works for discuss that kind of maps, same for the long maps, is not a taste decision but a cleanup unplayable maps from the server. This is the reason that the point 1 must be clearly especified. But it's just an opinion.  ;)
« Last Edit: January 15, 2014, 01:24:57 PM by Jazzy @ »

