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Topics - Mr Source

Pages: [1]
Member Biographies / Biography: Mr Source
« on: June 13, 2014, 07:29:27 PM »
Hey guys , you probably don't know me. I joined the server and forums today and thought you have to know me. I'm a 15 year old boy and i live in The Netherlands.

I don't talk much about this, but even I was bullied. Those were hard times for me. I didn't want to go to school and i was really sad. Why did they do what they did to me? I had told the teacher, he and the bullies had a conversation but it didn't work. On that moment i moved to another school, made new friends and i had a place where i really felt at home. I turned from depressed kid into a happy boy in just a week. It was different, but i knew the changes were good.

The real downtime in my life was when my grandfather passed away.. When he had a horrible accident I was on an island on vacation , this is no joke. My mother found out that you can travel with the rescue boat to land if you have a very good reason. It was past midnight and there were no boats that brought passengers over. We rushed to the boat , packed our stuff as fast as we could and jumped right on. When we were on land we had to go to the hospital with the car, but unfortunately we were too late and I felt like shit for a long time and i still feel the same way.

That's basically the main story of my life. Thanks for reading this trough.

Introductions / Mr Source
« on: June 13, 2014, 04:06:14 AM »
Hey guys,
I'm Mr Source. I'm 15 years old and live in The Netherlands. I was watching some videos on YouTube when i came across your channel.I saw some videos and  I think this is a fun and professional clan.

I have no experience with any of the SiK servers , but i will play later on this weekend, and if i like it I'll stay.

In my sparetime i like to play games, such as : mta , dayz , cod .. And i also like to draw. I have some experience with programs like Photoshop, mostly for logo designing.

I hope i feel at home here. I hope to be a member of SiK very soon. I'm not as pro as you guys, but it will come in time.

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