official site of event: teams: you can know from schedule of MTA League, after Christmas is planned National Cup, where players do not represent their clans, but their countries. This year it would be different than last time, because we are allowing to play to any players ? not just from the league.
Every interested national team has to send me player list until 15.12.2013, all matches going to be played with league match system on servers of clans, which take part in MTA League. Complete schedule for National Cup should be known until 23.12.2013, number of matches and system deppends on number of registred teams.
Map system isnt known yet, but its probably going to be similar like last season (each team choosed 7 maps for whole tournament and 5 of these maps for each match).
If you are interested to join this event, contact me via skype (honzik999)