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Topics - aliukas

Pages: [1]
Denied Or Left Applications / aliukas's SiK application
« on: May 06, 2020, 07:47:56 PM »
1. Real name: Tautrimas
2. Gaming name: aliukas (previously known as Marcel, Mesa)
3. Games you play: rainbow six siege, counter strike 1.6, not much..
4. Previous or current clans (and reasons why you left them): I've been in a decent amount of clans but the most memorable is FC (Full Control) i've been with them for almost 5 months if i'm not mistaken. I've got kicked for some stupidass reason that was completely made up :D We didn't have any beef but one day boom and i'm kicked.
5. Country of residence: Lithuania
6. Age: 16
7. Computer specifications (CPU, GPU, RAM): CPU - intel core i5-4460 3.20ghz, gpu - nvidia geforce 750 ti, 8 ram
8. Why will you be a good addition to SiK?: At the moment SiK isn't as active as it was before, so i want to make this change. I want to get this clan as active as possible. Also i have a few friends in here that i would love to join and play with. I'm super active also.
9. Video of you racing on our server:
you can determine if i'm worth your time or not by watching my videos.
10. PM your serial number to an Administrator.
11. Anything else you think is relevant:
12. Did you read the rules and fully understand them?: Yep.
13. Paste the answer from the question: [PHS] PotholeStudios
14. Skype (Discord, Facebook, IRC): discord: 33fived#4935,

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