Author Topic: Endurance Event - 2016  (Read 6296 times)

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Offline 1thwonder

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Endurance Event - 2016
« on: November 27, 2016, 01:04:37 PM »

Hi there , i listened all your opinions to make this event better than last editions . So now , it's on , it's ready and it's better than before . The Endurance Event is back on his 3rd Edition .

For those who don't know what is that event , it's an event with a very long map about 1 hour racing (vanilla map and less objects possible) with the most usual cars and this time NO RC and NO BOATS , only one plane part . There will be no repair and no nitro ; just pure racing . And also if you die , you will have a penalty of 25 seconds , so be careful to not burn your vehicle xD . And also , using spectate to get back to last cp to avoid death gives you also a penalty of 25 seconds , so don't fool us :P .

The rules are simple :

-Finish first the map to be the winner .
PS : When 1st has finished , you have 30 minutes to finish the map completlely . So don't worry , if you're not noob , you can finish it anyway ;) .

Rules are same for each events , clanwars , cup and tourneys so no need to rewrite them just
-Don't leave or rage quit during your run . Restart for Timeout or for any personal reasons after more 30 seconds won't be tolered .

All players will play on same world so everyone can have his chance to win or do their best run .

The Event will start the Sunday 27th November 2016 at 17:15 GMT +1, come at 17:00 GMT +1 for being at right time to
SiK private server : .
Password will be reseted at 16:50 GMT +1 .

So , if you are interested and wanna join this event , just tell us here . If you're lazy to sign up and wanna play anyway , you're welcome ^^ .

Let's regroup this time more players for this challenging event :D


« Last Edit: December 19, 2016, 10:34:15 AM by 1thwonder »

